hangnail and thank you | SouthernPaddler.com

hangnail and thank you


Well-Known Member
I have the sorest dammmed hangnail on my thumb......ouch!! been bothering me for a couple of days. Then it dawned on me, if all i have to complain about is a hangnail, then things are going along pretty good.

I guess if i had a day where nothing hurt or itched or ached I'd have to check in the mirror to see if I was still showing up there.

Hope you all are doing as well. As the year draws to a close, I want to thank you all again for the encouragement, kind thoughts and prayers you offered as I had my vision revised this year. I hope my posts have brought a smile to you all, just to balance the "on-track, super-serious" posts that Kayak Jack makes here.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
islandpiper said:
I have the sorest dammmed hangnail on my thumb......ouch!! been bothering me for a couple of days. Then it dawned on me, if all i have to complain about is a hangnail, then things are going along pretty good.
A few years ago, I was traveling across the state. Routing dictated some back roads and small highways. As I hit a small town, a funeral pulled into the road ahead of me. I had to follow it for a few miles.

I got impatient, and fussed a bit to myself about having to poke along as the last car in a funeral. Then - I got to thinking. I could be in the FIRST car. The day got a lot better then.