Hennessey under cover. | SouthernPaddler.com

Hennessey under cover.


Jul 10, 2007
ft. myers fl.
Has anyone used the Hennessey under cover? I love my explorer but will not use it if temps are below hi. 60’s at night.

I have now added a 20 degree wiggys sleeping bag that is a lot better quality than what I use in the warmer months. I am still worried about using hammock in weather colder than 50 degrees.

Love sleeping in hammock in warm to hot temps. Hi 60’s on up. I have the hex fly and snake skins. This is a super set up for camping late and leaving early which I do a lot of. This system can be set up in a rain and or the dark very quickly.

Have used in Fla. rivers and costal salt water area in the summer time. Excellent hammock, no skeeter welts just buzzing. Would like to use this in the colder times. toby


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend toby,

Since oldyaker musta soaked up too many Salty Dogs last nite 'n the High Sheriff 'n Pups likely kicked up their heels a bit too much az well, I will point ya ta the general section. There iz a 5 page thread on the Hennessy hammocks.

I dont like ta camp if it dont git down below 50 at nite, but I jest got my Hennessy. oldyaker 'n Mostly Truthful Jack put a foam pad under their bags in the cold weather. I heard the High Sheriff talk bout usin' a pad, but I never seen it. In fact, I heard him talk bout a heap a stuff I never seen him do.

I may give hot weather campin' a try in the Hennessy. Before I git ta countin' them chickens, I reckon I better see if I kin sleep in one.


Everyone who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching. Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have used mine in cooler weather and it works fine for me. All I need is a 3/8 thick foam pad under me to stop the heat loss from the sleeping bag being compressed.

The pad I like for it is the Therm-A-Rest ( Ridge Rest) but any foam pad would work , I cut it to 3/4 length for easier packing. One trick I make sure of is having a bag that has a lower rating then what the weather folks say the temp will be ...If they say...... It will be in the 50's at night....... I will have a 20 degree bag. 40's then it is my 0 degree one.

I always figured that sleeping bags like tents are overrated , you sure can't get three guys in a three person tent , one comfortably and two crowded. Same thing for bags , one rated at 40 degrees is good for anything from 60 and up. I guess I'm what they call a cold sleeper. :?

Some of the guys have used the hammocks in 32 or less degree weather doing the same thing but for those temps I like a tent.

Ol Bear misses out on a lot in camp , he is always making the rounds to see what's cooking , guess that is why we call him Bear ... he can smell food further off then any of us. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I'm with Chuckles on this one with the pad. It works well. I camped with Kayak Jack last Fall up in Canada and used the pad system. It got a little frisky at night but I never noticed it. I was high and dry and warm. Some mornings, I didn't even want to crawl out of comfy cacoon.

Purchase a cheap closed cell foam pad. Cut it in half lengthwise, place the cut pieces side by side and tape them together with duct tape. You than place it inside the hammock where your head to the bottom of your buttocks will lay.
Don't put over your your entry exit hole. This will insulate your body where it compresses the sleeping bag the most.


Jack uses his to sit on as well in camp. Every 4th Saturday of the month in a leap year, when it's cloudy of every third decade, he'll sit on it in the buff along the shore and take a bath. :shock:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

With a closed cell foam pad, you will not be cold on the bottom of the hammock. It solves the condition of cold coming up through the bag. A 3/4 length pad, with opposite corners cut off works nicely. I cut about 18" down the side, and 12" off the end - a triangle.

If you don't cut off enough, cut some more. If you cut off too much, duct tape it back on.

Then, lay the pad kitty corner in the hammock. I can show you all this on the Au Sable.


Jul 10, 2007
ft. myers fl.

Thanks. Just wondering about the underpad since it would be outside rather than inside.

Maybe the way you all cut the pad helps keep it in place. toby

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
As much admiration as I have for tom Hennessy and his design and manufacturing capabilities, I'm disappointed int he under-the-hammock insulation packages. They seem a clumsy attempt to solve a problem that doesn't exist. The hanging bottles and gunnels at the corners of the rain fly fall into the same category.

Toby, on the Au Sable, we'll take a half hour and I'll shoe you all of this, then you can make up your own mind and handle the situations as you see best. Bring along a closed cell foam pad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Re: pad

whitecaps said:
Thanks. Just wondering about the underpad since it would be outside rather than inside.

Tom has them for all of his hammocks except the Safari Deluxe the last time I check with him. Because I wanted to get one and found out he does not have them for my hammock , just the others.

This might be the one reason he is trying something for them while camping in the islands.... might have something newer in the near future since he is always improving on proven camping comfort. Anyway a buddy of mine who spent a night with Tom in the islands told me Tom is working on the problem and I trust both of them. Two world travelers ,an campers just enjoying life to the fullest. :D
