How to , Simply / Easily , Test AA Battery's.
Not sure about you guys but I have a lot of camping and house hold items that require a Double A Battery to make it operate. I try to get only the items that require the same size Double A battery's.
The trouble is how in the world can you tell if a battery is good or bad before going on a trip , I sure do not want to trash a good battery. Well ,as luck would have it , on the web I read about a simple test to do to see if the battery is good or bad.
The remote for the TV was acting up so I had a chance to try out the battery test and guess what ... It Works.
Take the battery in question and from a height of 6 inches and drop it on a wood table so its bottom , flat part , hits 1st.
1. If it bounces it is bad , toss it.
2. If it does not bounce it is charged and ready to go , keep it.
A short video on it..........
Not sure about you guys but I have a lot of camping and house hold items that require a Double A Battery to make it operate. I try to get only the items that require the same size Double A battery's.
The trouble is how in the world can you tell if a battery is good or bad before going on a trip , I sure do not want to trash a good battery. Well ,as luck would have it , on the web I read about a simple test to do to see if the battery is good or bad.
The remote for the TV was acting up so I had a chance to try out the battery test and guess what ... It Works.
Take the battery in question and from a height of 6 inches and drop it on a wood table so its bottom , flat part , hits 1st.
1. If it bounces it is bad , toss it.
2. If it does not bounce it is charged and ready to go , keep it.
A short video on it..........