How to use this section |

How to use this section


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Guy's & Gal's

This should be considered as a picture album of unusual weather, sunrise or sunset, a full moon over the river, the early morning mist rising off the river or wildlife shots when out paddling, camping or just for a Sunday walk when you see something that you really like and snap a picture of it ........ Here is where you can post it to share with us and save it.

Everyone has been posting some really good pictures in there articles and those are hidden in all of the chatter we have , so here is where a person can find / see that picture without hunting for it.

We have a section for Trips, Boats and the rest now we have a Gallery just for the Flora & Fauna of the woods and rivers.



New Member
Oct 25, 2005
Farmington, NM
Posting pictures

How about a little instruction on posting pictures here as a sticky or something?

I am not sure on how to do it.

I would also like some suggestions on websites to host my pictures that I post.

I got a beauty of the San Juan river in New Mexico that I want to put up for all you easterners.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Tweedie,

Some of us use It aint hard ta set up yer own site. It iz free. I caint post no pichurs on the forum yet, but I am gettin' close. I sho wanna see them San Juan pichurs.

bodine photography school

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. Thomas Sowell


Well-Known Member
Webshots is popular. Smugmug is another. There's ton of them.

Posting a picture in the forum is pretty easy. Once your picture is uploaded to the "net", it'll have a web address like

www.smugmug.tweedie.picture#1.jpg (this link is just an example. Nothing will be there if you click it)

Another example:

Right-click on this image.


You'll see that the web address is

Copy that web address and paste it onto the forum page.

In front of the web address type

You can also do this by pasting the web address of the picture, high-lighting (click and drag your mouse over the text) and then click the Img tab which is next to the tabs for bold, italics, underline, etc.

Most important thing is to make sure your image isn't huge otherwise it takes forever to download especially for the dial-up guys.


Nov 15, 2006
Hello again everyone,

Sorry for the delayed response, I actually thought I was going to be able to get online out at the shop after hauling a computer out there. Little did I know that that was just a dream ... as was my idea of staying out there for only a few days.

I did get online, but the dial-up service is so pathetically bad "in the province" where the boat shop is located that I can barely retrieve a dozen email messages in an hour, and I can only get one out of 40-50 web pages to actually load in less than an hour. Yes it's that bad!

Fortunately I'm back at my office in Cebu City now (although I'm not sure how long I'll be here) and we have DSL here in the "big city" ... fast enough for me to actually visit this web site and respond to the folks who posted in this thread.

For JEM, hairymick, BEARS BUDDY, sheena's dad, and anyone else who enjoys pictures, I created a new thread in the Gallery section called "Philippine banka boats" for the photos I found online, including a series of construction photos:

I'm renovating a genuine traditional banka at the moment, but I will have to post the photos later. When I say "traditional" I mean one without any plywood in it. The main hull was carved out of a log, then a couple of solid wood boards were nailed on the sides to give it more freeboard. The boat is supposedly only 14 years old, so it wasn't that long ago when whole logs were still being carved to build boats in this country!