I'm ready to get started. | SouthernPaddler.com

I'm ready to get started.


May 26, 2008
I have ordered my supplies from Raka, now I'm ready to begin.
I was told that it would be a good idea to add a rib to widen the
Pirogue, as they tend to be a bit narrow. Do I just reproduce one
of the ribs in the Uncle Johns kit? How do I space them? I have had
the kit for over five years now and haven't even started. This is long


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Usually when someone wants to add the 4th rib to one of the UJ Pirogues they get it from Uncle John.

You could do your own since the 4th rib is usually added to the middle part of the boat and not the ends. The center rib is cut flush on the outside since it does not need to be angled to create the rocker for the boat.

The two center ribs are normally spaced an equal distance from the center line of the boat and then the end ribs are spaced half the distance from them to the ends of the boat. In plain words divide the boat into fourths and place the ribs there or you can place the center ones a little closer if desired.

I'm sure one of the guys who has done that will answer your question better then I did. I have never used the 4th rib but have seen boats where they have been added.
