Methylated spirits/denatured alcohol |

Methylated spirits/denatured alcohol

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
How come I've never seen much mention of Methylated spirits, which I believe is the same stuff that Mericans call Denatured alcohol? Is it just a given that everyone knows that it's good for clean up, and smoothing off partially hardened epoxy... I ask this in the hope that because I'm using it frequently, not heaps of it at a time that its NOT a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

You are doing WHAT?


An entegral part of the epoxy curing process is the chemical reaction between the resin and the hardener. You are introducing another chemical into that process. That chemical - metho, has the capacity to disolve uncured epoxy. or at least compromise its strength and integrety.

I am no industrial chemist but compare this to painting a wall of your house with enamel, then wiping the wet paint down with a rag soaked in thinners.

Now, go outside and give your self three sharp upper-cuts and repeat to your self 100 times, "I won't mix metho and epoxy- I won't mix metho and epoxy"

Seriously mate. I wouldn't dream of doing something like that. There are others here who have more exerience than me and they might be able to share some light on the subjuct. I run by the motto with things like this " IF IN DOUBT - DON'T"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
All I use denatured alcohol for is in my little camping stove. It is a easy way to have hot water for a cup of tea or coffee or a bowl of soup which does not hurt anything. In fact it tastes darn good.

Quick , easy , cooking for a shore break or a snack while bumming around camp. :D


john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
Nooooooooooooo, Ya ain't lis'nin': I use it for clean up! Say I filled the stitch holes. Once it's three parts cured ( I mean touch dry but would hold a fingerprint if you left your finger still for a moment) I will run a chisel over the area to remove lumps then a bit of paper with metho is rubbed lightly and gently over the surrounding area to remove excess. Haven't mixed metho with anything just a light wipe over to remove any dark stains BEFORE they fully set and require effort to remove. Any epoxy on my hands I apply metho, then soap and maybe a bit of sand and hands come up, well a lot better than if I just used soap.

Part of a post from another boat building forum, I checked this '
cos I got scared:

"You can thin Epoxy resin, first measure your resin and mix in the hardener then add up to 40% Methylated Spirits by volume, this is good for penetration work, start on the edges and then the upper face and finish on the edges."

I probly wouldn't have come close to using one percent metho on one percent of the whole boat. Let alone forty percent MIXTURE!