mud boat cousin to bateau putt-putt? |

mud boat cousin to bateau putt-putt?


New Member
Apr 30, 2009
I realize this isn't about pirogues, but it's close so I hope you'll excuse my posting here. I was going over my research this afternoon and reading about trainasses and how mudboats were intoduced into the chenier marsh in 1918--and two things hit me: there are two marshes in Southern Lousiana--one adjacent to the other but very different. There's what they call the chenier marsh that starts at Vermillion Bay and runs west, even some into Texas. Then there's the Deltaic Marsh that runs east.

And this difference made a difference in the boats used. BUT the mudboat to my untrained eye looks so much like the Atchafalaya Swamp bateau putt-putt that I wondered if they're closely related. The mud boat may be wider and shorter but they both have the blunt stern and raked square bow and inboard motor.

So I would really appreciate it if there's someone on here who knows if the two boats are related. It would make sense. The mudboat fits the terrain of the chenier marsh (that's firmer than the Deltaic) and the bateau putt putt fits the deeper waters of the Deltaic marsh. The Deltaic marsh also had flotant: floating land--step on it and you'll see why it's called that! :)Or so I've heard.

Thank you for letting me "come aboard" your forum.