No More Gopher.......... |

No More Gopher..........


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Well, the great Buwana .... Where is that spell check (hunter) of the South just got the nasty, vicious, destructive Gopher. It was a vicious battle .... but he did not stand a chance against me. :roll:

I have had a gopher and he was (past tense) one really large one causing all sorts of problems here at the house and in the back yard.

Today he is resting in peace and will not have to dig any more tunnels or make those mounds.

To regress, that guy would make mounds that could stall a 18 HP mower and the tunnels were about 4 inches across, big enough to break ole pups leg if he would step in one while running around the back yard. I tried, gas 87 proof , ammonia and even moth balls they worked for a while ... he left and went to the neighbors yard.

Today he came back and nothing was going to make him move .......... sooooooo I took matters into my own hands, literally.

He made a mound the was making the 2nd one and the hole was still visible so I got a hoe and removed the dirt from the back side, positioned a lawn chair .... pumped up my Benjamin Franklin, model 132 , 22 cal air pistol, put in ten pumps of air, loaded it, safety off................. Sat down, drew a bead on the hole and waited....... Not very long here is a nose pushing up some dirt ..... Out of sight ...... Again the same thing but more of his head, could see the eyes ...... Back down the hole and then up he comes head and neck ........ By By Gopher

One shot behind the ears in the neck area, he just slid back down the hole, no twitching nothing .........

I hate to kill anything that I do not plan on having for a meal but right now I am not into gophers for snacks.

The wife is in the house had no idea of what I just did and the neighbors .... Not a clue, just one of the benefits of air power ........ Think what would have happen if I would have used the 357 mag ...... Cop's all over, choppers in the air, me in jail.

That ole Benjamin Franklin 22 is a sure game getter and nice and quiet. Swampy where are you .....come here ole buddy.......... Naw heck forget that ricochets from him might hurt someone. :wink:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Whattsa matter, Chuck, no cucumbers handy?

"Harry Heilman here, broadcasting for the Detroit Tigers, Hank Greenburg at bat, Gerry Priddy on deck. And now comes the windup ... the pitch ... and it's a fast ball right down the center. A hit! A tap down the first base line! The chipmunk is out at first base!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Whattsa matter, Chuck, no cucumbers handy?

OK ..... I will dig that sucker up and send it to Jack along with a bag of grits .......... "O" Boy Gopher 'n Grits..........Fur Jack ...... Fur is not a misprint ... I DO NOT plan on cleaning the Gopher fur Jack or even cooking the grits .... He can do that. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We use cukes for salids not weapons against Rabbits like someone I know. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

I figger the Sparkanator iz jest tryin' ta make them PETA folks mad. He wants that Baywatch gal ta put a whuppin' on him. I kin pichur the kinda whuppin' he wants. :mrgreen:


bodine committee ta stop petaphilia

It aint what ya dont know that hurts ya. What really puts a hurtin’ on ya iz what ya knows fer sho, that jest aint so. Uncle Remus


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Wasola, Missouri
Ahhh, the smell of fresh cut grass in the morning.

All dressed out with camo sniper suit waiting for a chance shot at Charley the gopher. Trusty super quiet hyper veloscity rifle trained in on target area. Remember 1 shot 1 kill. There he is the king of yard havoc in sights, wait for perfect moment with thoughts of " Do ya feel lucky,,,well do ya PUNK".

PSSSSST, right behind the ear, no fuss no muss, 1 shot 1 kill, mission acomplished, just another day for the yard commando code named Sparkey, aka Sparkinator, Buwana, Rain Man.

Now where's my beer? guess I'd better bury that gopher before the cat gets it. Yep this old boy's still got it. :D



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
My Friend Doc,

Mebbe the High Sheriff jest sees hizself like Ole Bill Murray tryin' ta save that golf course? I aint pokin' fun. After work 'er on the weekend, I reach fer a dark green shirt 'n my bluejeans (on days I didnt wear 'em). I dont paint my face, but if I had ta stay here fer the rest of my life, I mite.

We are covered up with starlings, house sparrows, squirrels, chipmonks, rats, mice, 'n a few more evil doers. I try ta whack a starling 'n a house sparrow ever day. I dont mess with the snakes cuz I need 'em ta help keep the mice down....kinda like those good folks tryin' ta show the guviment fellas how ta catch aliens crossin' the border ever time ya turn yer head. Talkin' ta a guviment fella is like tryin' ta teach yer dog not ta eat turds. It's a lost cause.

Rite now I got the tree rats purty thinned out, but Chip 'n Dale jest exploded on us with a dozen little suicide bombers. I hate whackin' the cuddly ones. I reckon I aint well frum all them Walter Disney movies. I bet they done more harm than Ole Frank Roosevelt.

I gotta head back out. The sparrows jest come back in ta drain the feed trough. Reminds me a some mitey sorry folks I know. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


bodine tactikle school

I wanted to play jazz in the worst way-and I did. Dave Van Ronk

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
My best pistol shot was a swimming muskrat at 103 yards with my Ruger Super Blackhawk .357 and standard iron sights. Dad didn't believe me until he walked down to the pond the next day. "Well, I'll be damned!" was all he'd say.

Popping those beer cans at 100 yards in Nam finally paid off. Dispatched a ground hog at 57 yards, but 'twasn't really fair. He was engaged in amorous activities at the time. Never did get the smile off his little face.

Squirrel in the head at 13 yards, no big deal.

158gr semi wadcutter (Keith-type bullets named after Elmer Keith)

As Will Sonnet (Walter Brennan) said, "No brag; just fact."


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Gadz! Now I got this picture of Col Chuck coming up out of the water.... full camo on hiz noggin .... a cuke in his teeth .... then the Franklin comes up also..... "La Trang" has his target .....

Rambo eat yer heart out .....

Thanks Doc... I think ya captured it jest right! :wink:

"Bill? Bill who?"
PETA: "The guy who is greasing all the birds and nut gatherers."
"OH! That Bill ..... don't know."
PETA: "Sure ya do! Fess up now! Or will throw ya in a dumpster like those dogs in North Carolina last month!"
'10321874 Mockingbord Lane!"

Better yet.... take a picture of Chip an Dale.... place on WEB .... ask for money NOT to shoot them ..... use Pay Pal .....

think tank closing down now fer the night.
swampy One shot .... One Miss