North Carolina July 2004 or... |

North Carolina July 2004 or...


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That is a good area to relax in if you are able to, I enjoy it up there but I do hit the back country so I am not trespassing on anyone's camping area .... LOL

By the way if you are ever up there when I am let me know and I will bring a larger 1st aid kit, you know a swampy or kayak Jack size. :lol: :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
(SNIP) By the way if you are ever up there when I am let me know and I will bring a larger 1st aid kit, you know a swampy or kayak Jack size.
My first aid kit comes in a 750 ml, dark glass bottle, 12 year old single malt. Works internally - or externally (I guess, never wasted it that way on purpose).

BTW, Pirogue, nice report. Sounds like a harrowing trip. I have to tell you, that there isn't enough money this side of Fort Knox to get me to drape important body parts through a tube, down into obstacle infested water. You're damned lucky it was your leg that was bruised. Think of a log under water, sharp branch sticking up pointing upstream, you body parts approaching at speed.

I can hear the primal scream clear up here in sanity land.


Friend Pirogue,

That wuz anuther fine tale, but it left me wonderin' a bit. Did ya stop ta look down at Patton's Run before ya come down river? Did ya pull out above the falls 'n walk down ta have a look before ya run it? Mebbe it wuz so many folks on the river that day, they aimed ta git down quick az they kin fer the next group?

It didnt sound like ya had much time at the NOC ta look at the AT 'er drive a mile up ta the Silver Mine Campground 'er look at the ropes course 'er the other NOC stuff? Payson's wife Aurelia took a year off, but iz re-openin' her high dollar cafe up the mountain across the river. The wives will smile at ya'll if ya take 'em there ta eat. Payson 'n Aurelia live on up the a house they bolted ta the side. Ya caint see it frum down below.

The NOC store will now give ya a free 10%, jest tell 'em yer a member of the Paddlin' Geezer Canoe Clud....their computin' machine knows yer name 'n where ya stay.

Dillard House huh? Well, I'll be danged. Hard ta tell folks what that place iz like fer supper. We ate there a few times after paddlin' down the Chattooga River. Ya dont order. Ya jest eat. They watch careful 'n bring a full servin' plate ever time ya empty one. [The Foxfire books wuz put tagether at that school rite across the highroad frum the Dillard House.]

Sho glad ya'll had a swell time.

It iz mitey hard ta imagine the Nantahala 'n the campground in May 'er October. It aint no truble findin' a week when it aint hardly nobody round....cept on the weekends. Spring dont bust out til May 'n October the leaves jest git ta turnin' colorful.

It aint eazy ta imagine it in March, but ya gotta be ready fer dang cold weather then. River iz near bout empty then....cept fer the ones with the hard core. I got a hankerin' ta see it in March agin, but Miz Bear keeps bringin' up that time I took my oldest gal 'n her college pals in March. We pulled inta a motel the first nite cuz it went down ta 25 degrees. It warmed up after that....never went below freezin'.


paddlin' geezer canoe clud


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Get enough of Jack's medication in him, as advanced protection against the water and unseen obstacles and I bet he would do the run in a tube.

Now ....picture this of those branches would puncture the outside portion of the tube and he finshes the run spinning in circles.........bouncing off rocks ... just like a ball in the pin ball machines.
We could change his name to whirling Jack. :lol:


One trip when I was up there (Deep Creek Campground) in the early fall (before the leaf peepers showed up) and was the only camper in the whole place for a couple of days then someone else showed up so I moved over to Big Creek & Walnut Bottoms.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
bearridge said:
(SNIP) [The Foxfire books wuz put tagether at that school rite across the highroad frum the Dillard House.] (SNIP)

Is that Rabun Gap, Georgia across the highroad? Rabun Gap is where the high school English teacher, who tired of the same old mimeographed lessons, started his kids interviewing their grandparents using tape recorders. Ended up tying together the generations on both ends, generating some respect from both ends, and waking up a yen to learn.

First book is great, second is OK, third seems repetitive.


Friend Kayak Jack,

Yep. That's it. The school sets on what looks like 200-300 mountain acres, mostly grass, which sho gotta be hard ta mow, even with a bush hog 'n some kaiser blades.

Dillard, GA iz jest north a Clayton, in Rabun County, where the Commerce crowd warnt happy with the Deliverance movie. Rabun Gap iz there too.



In Marseilles they make half the toilet soap we consume in America, but the Marseillaise only have a vague theoretical idea of its use, which they have obtained from books of travel.
Mark Twain

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
bearridge said:
(SNIP) In Marseilles they make half the toilet soap we consume in America, but the Marseillaise only have a vague theoretical idea of its use, which they have obtained from books of travel.
Mark Twain
It's said that when travleing in France, if you want to keep your money safe, simply place it under a bar of soap. No one there would ever think of lifting a bar of soap - for almost any reason.


Friend Jack,

I jest heard on the news that the french iz gwine ta stip Ole Lance Armstrong frum hiz bicycle hiz room they found three substances banned under french law.....soap, deodorant 'n toothpaste. :mrgreen:



A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. George Bernard Shaw


Well-Known Member

Our Scout Troop did the rafting on the Nantahela last August-great fun! That "Bump' is named correctly; I went airborne going over it and was still scrambling for the raft when we went over the falls!

Spent a week to the east of Clayton back in June; Camp Rainey Mountain, Boy Scout Summer Camp. There for 6 days, rained the first 2 1/2!

Did some canoeing on the Lake; as a Leader had to make sure the boats were safe!
