Nubè Hammock Shelter |

Nubè Hammock Shelter


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Nubè Hammock Shelter

" Hitting the outdoors with a camping hammock has its perks, but staying dry and insect-free are not amongst of them. Here to remedy that is Sierra Madre’s Nubè Hammock Shelter, which replaces your current ill-designed hammock cover with a completely revisited system. Nubè is compatible with virtually any camping hammock, setting up in minutes by anchoring to the same two trees plus six points on the ground to shelter you and up to 200 pounds of gear from the elements. "

I just love it , Other hammocks Ill-Designed ??????????.
As far as staying dry and insect free in the Hennessy Safari Deluxe , the Clark Tropical or the Warbonnet Blackbird I have stayed dry and bug free so I have no idea where they get the idea that there solution is the only one that keeps you dry and bug free. Some of the weather was from severe thunder storms with down drafts moving threw which are the same as a tropical Storms or even close a class 1 Hurricane. The bugs are the south's mosquitoes and some times they were so thick they looked like someone was shaking large pepper flakes by the screen on the hammock.

Now for the plain hammocks ...ENO , Grand Trunk and all the other open hammocks which is only the hammock. You can even purchase one from them for $85.00 ..... They do not keep you dry or bug free without some form of cover and netting which costs extra since it is not a incorporated part of the hammock. The prime example is there shelter for a plain shelter minus the hammock is $ 275.00 or one with the floor and winter barrier minus the hammock is $ 415.00.
So the PLAIN shelter with there hammock is $360.00 for the complete outfit with there hammock is $500.00, . Plus there is only one way you can set up there shelter and it can not be configured all of the different ways a trap can be set up to get the most from the environment.
I do not think my rain fly is a ....." current ill-designed hammock cover " as they put it.

In Summery....

The thing I do not like is the misleading of folks about the other hammock manufactures which produce a quality product in one complete package. Exception being Warbonnet where the rain fly is a separate purchase from them or other rain fly manufactures.
They said ..." Nubè is compatible with virtually any camping hammock " . I would not want to set it up with the Hennessy , Clark or the Blackbird inside it , that would be to much protection , a double rain fly and bug netting with a single hammock. .

I think they have a good idea and actually combined the thoughts of several different manufactures that sell all the parts separately ( ENO comes to mind , hammock $59.95 , bug net $59.95 , tarp $ 79.00 to $269.00 ( the housefly is the closest $139.95 ) and under hammock storage $29.95 a total of $ 289,98 ) and combined all of the same ideas with a improvement for there product the Nubè Hammock Shelter.

Take a look....

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
As you say, Chuck, their advertising is (even more) misleading than normal advertising. They have some good ideas, but that rain fly is WAY too high around the edges to adequately protect against blowing rain. Coming in from the side. The original Hennessey rainfly was catenary cut. Any camper will do well to avoid any tarp or fly so cut. They look nice in ads, and are weak performers in the field.

Hennessyy solved almost all of the problems with their hex fly. Prior to that, I sewed two triangles onto each end of the ends of the stsndard fly. They extrendef 2' back along the edges of the fly, and were 1' wide at the end. That provided a 2' wide tarp at each end in place of the original, narrow end. Tom Hennessey sent me a new fly in exchange for mine after I described it to him on the phone. A little later, he introduced the hex fly, an much improved verdion of mine.

In the eastern 1/3rd of the US, it is known as the Eastern Woodlands. In most locations, it is easy to find a spot for a hammock. In the northern half of that area, hammock sites out number tent sites (flat, smooth, drained, and clear for at LEAST an 8-10' diameter) by, say, 1,000:1. Other locales don't always pan out that way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Jack you said.......
The original Hennessey rainfly was catenary cut
Didn't you mean to say the Asymmetric cut rain fly ?

My Hennessy came with the standard Asymmetric cut rain fly and when the Hex fly was available I got one and that was one of the best decisions of my life. It is the Cat's meow , you can set it up in a whole lot of different positions for different reasons.

For the Warbonnet Blackbird.........
I got a couple of the McCat Rain fly's for different uses.

1...The winter ( 4 season ) one can be used as a tent over the tarp complete with a modification of some doors , the ends fold in and meet in the middle if you want total weather protection or privacy.

2...While the McCat Ultra is a catenary-cut hexagonal tarp ( Hex Cat Cut ) and more for summer camping since it has open space along the sides and ends with less tie downs.

I have both of them in there separate Hennessy snake skins for easy instillation and easy take down. Just roll up the stuffed snake skins ( when dry ) and put them in a small stuff sack for storage. ... _tarps.php

This is from the Ultimate Hang website ( ) and book by Derek Hansen showing the different types of tarps.
Anyone thinking of hammock camping should get this book and read it before doing anything. It has a ton of good information in it , even on how to make your own hammock.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
No. Prior to the asymmetrical hammock and asymmetrical fly, all Hennessey Hammocks were symetrical. But, even the asym fly was at least partly catenary cut, and thus too skinny on both ends.

They never provided adequate coverage for rain coming in on an angle, riding on the wind. Gently falling dew, a light rain with no wind, and you were OK. Any wind, and rain would drift in under the fly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
They never provided adequate coverage for rain coming in on an angle, riding on the wind. Gently falling dew, a light rain with no wind, and you were OK. Any wind, and rain would drift in under the fly.

For me , they ( A-sym ) were a pain to set up , if you did not have it just right it was as good as nothing. Give me a big rectangle with lots of coverage.
Speaking of that.... Lazy river guy would set his Hennessy hammock up using the A-sym rain fly and then put up a tarp that had to be 16 x 20 ( or bigger , never measured it but all of us [ 8 guy's ] and his hammock would fit under it with room to spare. ) over it. I asked way the two tarps and his response was ...In case the big tarp leaks.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I set up my A-Sym without a rainfly, and rig a 10'X12' or a 10'X14' nylon fly over it. With the 10X14, I set it up with one side longer than the other. This gives a good sized "covered patio" for lounging.

I think, though, that my 1 man tent and 10X12 fly is a good, general purpose, combination that is useable in a wide variety of situations. Not quite as good as happy hour at a stag bar - but pretty good, nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
I think, though, that my 1 man tent and 10X12 fly is a good, general purpose, combination that is useable in a wide variety of situations. Not quite as good as happy hour at a stag bar - but pretty good, nonetheless.

As far as tents go...........
One trip to Tosohatachee I set up the solo , single wall , tent to see how it was when a person was out in the woods camping with it. Plus I had the Tarp ( 10 x 12 rain fly ) along to set up over it for extra weather protection. Those solo tents are confining and as you said a "covered patio" with one by using the tarp is really nice.

I started with the Tarp Tent , Moment , 34 oz ( Jack , I believe you are familiar with that one :roll: ) and went to the Six Moons Skyscape , Tracker at 24 oz for a roomier solo tent. Plus it is a lot easier to set up but is not free standing.

After spending a night in the tent and being happy with it , I dried it , packed it and got the hammock from the Jeep , put it up and spent another night there. :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I am familiar with the Moment tent. It is 6oz lighter (when dry) than the solo tent with which I replaced it. The new tent has the standard mesh ceiling & sidewalls to breathe out moisture from breathing. I enjoy, breathing.

The Moment doesn't breathe, and has insufficient ventilation. It would be wet and just a little drippy inside by morning. Then one night, it rsined all night. After a couple of hours it was raining inside the Moment tent too. Not lesking at all. It was condensed moisture from breathing. Remember, I said that I enjoy breathing. It's a pleasant pastime in my old age. My sleeping bag wasn't just damp - it was wet.

The Moment is a nice tent for desert camping, or in the summer in the Sierra Nevadas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The Moment is a nice tent for desert camping, or in the summer in the Sierra Nevadas.

To dam claustrophobic for me when closed up. I'm use to looking outside when in a tent Plenty of ventilation when opened with the tarp over it , providing the tarp was over it and you can open it up. :roll:

Like Ron has for his signature ,There ain't no perfect tent, wood, boat, hatch, sleeping bag or women ...... I guess that is why I like Hammocks. :lol: