O, I Have Slipped the Surly Bonds of Earth | SouthernPaddler.com

O, I Have Slipped the Surly Bonds of Earth

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Last October, I broke my airplane. It's all healed up now, and I flew it for the first time again today. New engine and a thrilled (but a bit rusty) pilot. Pretty countryside on a clear day. Only an hour long flight with three crosswind landings. Lord god, it IS nice to be a bird!
Back to work tomorrow, no more sight seeing - except when I can steal a glimpse around in between maneuvers.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Off again today - on a cross country trip. We flew from the Lansing area southerly to the town of Coldwater (where you can take a hot bath in Coldwater :wink: ), near the Indiana border. There, I was greeted by 8 deer grazing by the edge of the runway. I landed beyond them, and they were not offended. While I was taxiing back for take off, three sand hill cranes launched. BIG bird, and nothing I want to hit in mid air. As I took the runway for take off, the deer got upset at my engine noise, and ran away.

We then landed at Marshall, a nice little town in mid-southern Michigan. For over 50 years, it has been home to a famous restaurant. And, I watched my Granddaughter play soccer at athletic fields nearby the town.

Finally, we returned to Mason (KTEW) and put the Ruptured Duck to sleep in its hangar. It's a great experience to see spring coming to the land from a half mile up.


Mar 18, 2011
Glad to here you've got the bird fixed. Cross countries are great; it always amazed me that you could take off, fly a heading, and a while later you end up at an airport you've never been to before. If it has a restaurant, that makes it even better. If the restaurant has a glass window looking out onto the ramp, then that's way cool.
Dyersburg TN used (and may still) to have restaurant where one could eat, drink coffee, mingle with other pilots, and airplane-watch all while waiting on the Avionics Shop next door to work on your radios and avionics.
My question is when are you going to combine the love of flying and the love of water and get a seaplane rating? If you do, I suppose several from this forum will be in line for fly-outs to really neat paddling sites.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'll probably successfully resist the urge to go pontooning. I have my hands full as it is.

I'm planning a XC for Sunday afternoon to take in Maidens Field K89Y at Williamston MI, just E'ly of Lansing. John Maidens is a friend, and he's building a Pietenpol camper in his basement ... and dining room ... and kitchen. He has three airplanes in his basement. He's an interesting olde coot.

NOTE: A Pietenpol camper was designed in the '30's, bi-winger, open cockpit, built of wood, fabric covered, originally to be powered with a Ford Model A engine, and had a tail skid using part of a leaf spring from a Model A.


Mar 18, 2011
Pietenpol's are cool, although I prefer an enclosed cockpit myself. There was an elderly gentleman at the former Lexington TN airport (M54) which has since been closed that kept a pristine Pietenpol there; I have a photo somewhere of it, it was blue with white trim, sported the 'bicycle wheel landing gear, varnished wood propeller, and had "Old Pete" painted on the cowling. Went to several flyins, and it was at everyone of them. Evidently he flew the socks off of that airplane (which, I think, is what you're supposed to do :mrgreen: )


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Last October, I broke my airplane. It's all healed up now, and I flew it for the first time again today. New engine and a thrilled (but a bit rusty) pilot.

Sounds like a very expensive hobby but an worth while one if you enjoy it. Just remember to keep the shinny side up and the landing gear down. That way you will be around for longer. Just in case you do have a parachute with you , one that will open and not filled with snacks. :wink:
Personally I will stay in the boats , less distance to fall and I can swim , can't fly , tried it one time and my arms got tired plus I never made it off the ground ....That was a good thing for me. :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Paddlin'Gator said:
From one of your posts weeks ago, it sounded suspiciously like you had abused your bird. Dare I ask what you did?
Yeah, I did abuse it a bit. Had prop strike on my tow bar which I had not removed from the nose gear. I now have a new procedure to prevent future recurrence.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Naww, with a six pack we'd get woozy and off the subject. Then - we'd need another six pack to get back on track. By then the bacon explosion would have disappeared and we'd be terribly disappointed. Leastways, I'd be disappointed. Just one beer will hack it.