On the water | SouthernPaddler.com

On the water


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Willow Springs, NC
I finally got some pictures of the pirogue out on the water. This is in the pond behind our house. The kids love the boat but my son wants to know why we don't have a motor on it.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Dont push her none. Always let her off when she gits tired. Let her take some dolls along. Next thing she will be 19 'n mite wanna do some paddlin' herownself. If she dont do it now 'n have good memories, she may not be comin' back after that phase when yer job iz jest ta pay the chargin' card off each month. Same with tent campin'. Ya may not git too many chances ta make some good memories of a campfire, some tasty vittles, a tent 'er listenin' ta the birds in the mornin' after some good shut eye. Make the best of ever chance ya'll git. [Yer likely ta git more chances with a son.]

I had some fine memories when I wuz a little pardner.....in spite of the Boy Scouts. Now, when I camp with the Paddlin' Geezer Canoe Clud, it only messes up some of my good memories. [grin] Jest kiddin'......the Commodore's throne, Chuck's dumpling with chicken, Harry's cheerful smile makes me fergit we never come up with a nurse. The rest of the geezers make a trip worth the long drive.....cept fer Gator Mac. He iz okay, but I far az I know he iz the only one who caint join up on expedishuns outside the sunshine state......parole officer dont care fer him that much. If ya'll met him, ya'll mite figger he works in the circus, but he dont. He got pretty high up in the Florida Power Company......bout 35'. lol

regards 'n good luck

We make war that we may live in peace. Aristotle


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Willow Springs, NC
bearridge said:
Dont push her none. Always let her off when she gits tired. Let her take some dolls along. Next thing she will be 19 'n mite wanna do some paddlin' herownself. If she dont do it now 'n have good memories, she may not be comin' back after that phase when yer job iz jest ta pay the chargin' card off each month. Same with tent campin'. Ya may not git too many chances ta make some good memories of a campfire, some tasty vittles, a tent 'er listenin' ta the birds in the mornin' after some good shut eye. Make the best of ever chance ya'll git. [Yer likely ta git more chances with a son.]

I had some fine memories when I wuz a little pardner.....in spite of the Boy Scouts. Now, when I camp with the Paddlin' Geezer Canoe Clud, it only messes up some of my good memories. [grin] Jest kiddin'......the Commodore's throne, Chuck's dumpling with chicken, Harry's cheerful smile makes me fergit we never come up with a nurse. The rest of the geezers make a trip worth the long drive.....cept fer Gator Mac. He iz okay, but I far az I know he iz the only one who caint join up on expedishuns outside the sunshine state......parole officer dont care fer him that much. If ya'll met him, ya'll mite figger he works in the circus, but he dont. He got pretty high up in the Florida Power Company......bout 35'. lol

regards 'n good luck

We make war that we may live in peace. Aristotle

That's damn good advice, bearridge...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

I reckon ya better put that good eyeball back in. Looks like they got their lifesavers on ta me. I got my big font dialed up high. lol


ps With the font dialed up high I went back 'n enjoyed David's Middle Creek pichurs mo better.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.  Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
OK, i stand corrected. Two thirds of the group are proper. Neither of those kids wants to see Dad drown after the gunwale smacks him in the face on the way by. In some 33 degree water a Grumman Canoe gunwale hit me there, on a nice day and without provocation. Just a simple roll over and Whammo!!!

The list starts out:

"The gun wasn't loaded..."
and the next item is: "He didn't need a PFD, he was a good swimmer......"


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bear and Piper San - you both have good points. Yes, the kids have on PFDs - but not Dad. That sends a message to the kids that, "OH BOY! When I get grown up, I don't have to wear a PFD!"

Not a good message to send. PFDs double our chance of survival. So, since Piper San went overboard and got whacked by the gunnel, he's now half gone. (as if we didn't already know that :roll: )


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Willow Springs, NC
I didn't realize y'all cared so much! Maybe you didn't see that tire around my waist underneath my shirt. I do wear mine in bigger water but haven't been in the pond because it's small and shallow. Ok, if I'm knocked out somehow I guess it really would matter how shallow the pond is. Point taken and thanks for even more smart advice!