report on the"Another Pirogue Expedition" | Page 2 |

report on the"Another Pirogue Expedition"


Well-Known Member
Looks like you guys had a good time. Susie read some of your report with me before heading off to bed. . . . She said next time, she wants to go. . .

(she just likes the fact ya'll be doin' the cookin'. . . sometimes I think that the only reason she lets me hang around. . . :lol: . . . oops, I got busted sayin' that. . .I in big doodoo now. . . :D :lol: )


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Katy, TX
jdupre' said:
I also saw something I had never seen before. There were 3 pileated woodpeckers flying around and making a big commotion. I'm guessing 2 males and one female. They were posturing and preening and flitting about so I'm thinking some kind of mating ritual. They are big birds and it was pretty awesome to see them behaving like that. 8)
Pre-K, we had a pair of those biggies that hung out around our house. I recall a similar behavior. Really neat to see. Haven't seen them since. :( Either they were victims of the storm, or they got blown up north somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Ha Ha Ha ....

Joey is having a Red Neck 7 course dinner in that one picture. 7 Vienna's and a beer.



Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, I'm glad that two of my favorites made it back. Untold secret is, that it probably took the both of them to count high enough to figure out how many legs on a tripod. :roll:

Joey, I wondered why you asked for that recipe for fried PFD - now I know.


Well-Known Member
Joey, bring an old PFD along next time and we can try it a couple different ways in the DO. or deep fried, or stewed with some veggies and spice......lots of possibilities. Try to field dress the thing so there aren't too many straps left on it, and no buckles or clips, ok?



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
islandpiper said:
Joey, bring an old PFD along next time and we can try it a couple different ways in the DO. or deep fried, or stewed with some veggies and spice......lots of possibilities. Try to field dress the thing so there aren't too many straps left on it, and no buckles or clips, ok?


If anybody can make one of these things taste good, this is the man that can do it. Have D.O.- will travel. Geezers will recognize that reference.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Geez Keith and Joey, I thought I had repliedbefore but my post must have got lost somewhere.
Great trip report and piccies guys. I love those swamp trees in the water. Looks kind of mystical to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
hairymick said:
Geez Keith and Joey, I thought I had repliedbefore but my post must have got lost somewhere.
Great trip report and piccies guys. I love those swamp trees in the water. Looks kind of mystical to me.

Mick, those are bald cypress trees. They can live in water, but they have to sprout on land. All those trees had to have begun on land that was dry at least part of the year. The lake is getting bigger due to the land settling causing the water level to rise.
