Rocket stoves |

Rocket stoves

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Plains Indians sometimes built fire in a hole in the ground, with a smaller hole to one side and a tunnel leading into the bottom of the larger, fire hole. Put sticks down into the fire hole & light them. Air comes in from the side hole and tunnel into the bottom of the main fire hole. Control heat by opening or blocking the air hole. White men called it a Dakota hole; I don't know what Indians called it.

If you can can still find a coffee made of tin, just cut a hole in the side at the bottom. Use a church key to put holes in the sides around the top. If you pan is smaller than the can, lay metal rods (eaves trough nails work nicely) across the can top. I think that Hairy Mick uses a 1 gallon paint can, and carries his billy (tea pot) inside it.