The saga of the A/C unit. 07-01-14
I have this stuck at the top of this section as a warning to anyone that shops at Sears..............
If you shop at Sears and get a appliance with a service contract this could happen to you.
1. Called Sear Service center for a A/C checkup.
2. Service Tek's arrived ( 5 days later ) and cleaned the a/c unit. Said that was all it needed , a good cleaning.
3. A/C Freezing up and not cooling like it was.
4. Called the service center and got another service call for some days later.
5. Service teck arrived and checked the unit. He advised that it needed to many parts to be repaired and they would replace it. So much for the good cleaning taking care of the problems.
Asked to give them 3 days to locate a replacement for me.
6. 30 minutes later Sears called and advised they could not locate a replacement and would give me a credit of $549.99 to locate a replacement A/C unit. ( I really think they never looked for a replacement )
7. I Located one that was the same BTU's ( 18,500) and size , also a reverse cycle like the one I have. ( With Sears ).
8. Went to the Oviedo store and ordered it on July 12th , Sunday.
9. Was advised that it would be installed on Thursday the 17th of July between 8 A.M. and Noon..
10. Waited all day and no installer so at 3 P.M. I went to the Oviedo store to see what was wrong........
11. After 2 hours the problem was taken care of and was promised to have it installed on Saturday the 19th.
12. Installer arrived on the 19th and refused to install it since , according to him the wrong unit , a window unit and not a wall unit. ( It was identical to the last two that were in there)
13. Back to the Oviedo store on the 19th and got a wall unit , less BTU's and a smaller sized unit.
14. Was advised that it would be installed on the 21st ( Monday)
15. Sunday ( July 20 ) I called the instillation office in Arizona and they did not have the work order and knew nothing about the 21 promised installation date.
15. Was on the phone ( just shy of one hour ) with Dan in Arizona while he called the Oviedo Store and got a work order and tried to contact the installer who none of us have heard anything from , the Monday installation looks like it will not happen. Dan said he would leave a voice mail with the installer along with a email.
16. Monday ....No calls and no installer , as I expected.
17. Tuesday Sears Installation called and said the installer will contact me for a ( Wednesday ) installation tomorrow.
18. Wednesday.....Installers arrived at 9:00 A.M. (Cliff ) checked the measurements and then told me that Sears sent an older unit and not the new one so the size was wrong and he could not install the AC unit.
19. Off I go , No more screwing around with Sears , Home Depot here I come. Located a A/C unit I liked and they said they would install it Friday.
20. Thursday over to the local Sears to get a refund on the 549.99 that Sears said I had to replace the unit with. Keep in mind they said I had that amount to use for a replacement unit period , Not that it had to be a sears unit.
NOW ... they advised it was a in-store credit and had to be used at sears and no where else and since I did not use it they would not refund any money.
I used it the same as money with them when I got each unit the installer refused to install and I was NOT told it would only be good at sears and no place else.
After 2 hours of phone calls to Sears instillation and service polity divisions they finally agreed that I could use it for any sears appliance. WHAT.... You want me to get another A/C Unit or a appliance that I do not need and that the installer will refuse to install , the excuse this time probably will be it's the wrong color. Have you folks lost your minds the LAST thing I want from you is an appliance of any description.
Back on the phone and finally they gave me a store credit for 549.99 for any ONE item in the store and not necessarily an appliance.
Sears an go to Hell as far as I am concerned and they have lost a customer who use to shop there for major purchases .......NEVER AGAIN.
Sears ... Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Back.... BULL.
The Sage Continues......08-16-14 ( 1st New Service agreement on a ac unit I do not have )
Today's mail brought me a service policy on the broken AC Unit. They think I replaced it which has not happen. Keeping that in mind I asked for a refund since there is 14 months left on the policy.
The guy I was talking to told me they could not send me a refund since I have a different ac unit in there. I agreed I do have a different unit which I got from a different business and to top it off the old broken Sears unit is still in the wall. Since it is still there and I do not have a new sears unit I want a refund on the service policy.
After being on hold for what seamed like forever ......They can't do it since there is a new unit in there.....WRONG so I explain it again that the old broken unit is still there. Nope no dice can't give me a refund.
OK. The light came on.........
OK you say you can't give me a refund and the service police is good for 14 more months I want a service teck to check the unit. Now he tells me I have to contact the service dept so he transfers me to them.
Hello I need a service teck to check my ac unit..... We can't send a teck to your address since your unit is one yoyu have to bring to us. WHAT ??? I have had a service teck come out here for the last two units and even this one since it is in the wall and is not a portable unit.
Sears....Our records show you have a unit that can be delivered and it was installed 07-17-14 . it wasn't , it never left the back of the truck and stayed sealed in the box since your installer refused to install it.....
Sears ... Our records show it's a small unit that can be transported .....
Me....OK that was the 2nd unit I got , was delivered and never got out of the back of the truck or the box since the installer even refused to install it and like the other was returned still in the UNOPENED BOX.
Sears... If we send a service teck to your home we will have to charge you for the service call.
Me..... Here is the service contract number and I need a service teck to come here to prove to you I still have the old broken unit he wrote on to have replaced.
Finally they agreed to have a teck come out to see if the old unit is still there so I can get a refund.
I assumed the call would be free since I still have the service agreement.
Now I get this feeling they are screwing me over again so I ....................
Called sears at 6:40 P.M. 08-16-14 ,was advised it was a service call that will be billed to me , not covered under the service agreement. Explained things again and on hold while they check on something.
Long story short ........It is billable to me and they refuse to honer the service contract which is valid for 14 more months..........CANCELLED THE SERVICE CALL. Sent a copy of this to the Customer Relations Dept of Sears [email protected] if nothing happens then it is the BBB and some other proper action.
UPDATE...Aug 18 ,2014 ( 2nd new Service Agreement on a ac unit I do not have )
The mail brought another service agreement for the Air Conditioner that was NEVER INSTALLED on the 7-19-2014. So that's two service agreements on both air conditioners that were never removed from the box , much less the truck they were transported in.
I have this stuck at the top of this section as a warning to anyone that shops at Sears..............
If you shop at Sears and get a appliance with a service contract this could happen to you.
1. Called Sear Service center for a A/C checkup.
2. Service Tek's arrived ( 5 days later ) and cleaned the a/c unit. Said that was all it needed , a good cleaning.
3. A/C Freezing up and not cooling like it was.
4. Called the service center and got another service call for some days later.
5. Service teck arrived and checked the unit. He advised that it needed to many parts to be repaired and they would replace it. So much for the good cleaning taking care of the problems.
Asked to give them 3 days to locate a replacement for me.
6. 30 minutes later Sears called and advised they could not locate a replacement and would give me a credit of $549.99 to locate a replacement A/C unit. ( I really think they never looked for a replacement )
7. I Located one that was the same BTU's ( 18,500) and size , also a reverse cycle like the one I have. ( With Sears ).
8. Went to the Oviedo store and ordered it on July 12th , Sunday.
9. Was advised that it would be installed on Thursday the 17th of July between 8 A.M. and Noon..
10. Waited all day and no installer so at 3 P.M. I went to the Oviedo store to see what was wrong........
11. After 2 hours the problem was taken care of and was promised to have it installed on Saturday the 19th.
12. Installer arrived on the 19th and refused to install it since , according to him the wrong unit , a window unit and not a wall unit. ( It was identical to the last two that were in there)
13. Back to the Oviedo store on the 19th and got a wall unit , less BTU's and a smaller sized unit.
14. Was advised that it would be installed on the 21st ( Monday)
15. Sunday ( July 20 ) I called the instillation office in Arizona and they did not have the work order and knew nothing about the 21 promised installation date.
15. Was on the phone ( just shy of one hour ) with Dan in Arizona while he called the Oviedo Store and got a work order and tried to contact the installer who none of us have heard anything from , the Monday installation looks like it will not happen. Dan said he would leave a voice mail with the installer along with a email.
16. Monday ....No calls and no installer , as I expected.
17. Tuesday Sears Installation called and said the installer will contact me for a ( Wednesday ) installation tomorrow.
18. Wednesday.....Installers arrived at 9:00 A.M. (Cliff ) checked the measurements and then told me that Sears sent an older unit and not the new one so the size was wrong and he could not install the AC unit.
19. Off I go , No more screwing around with Sears , Home Depot here I come. Located a A/C unit I liked and they said they would install it Friday.
20. Thursday over to the local Sears to get a refund on the 549.99 that Sears said I had to replace the unit with. Keep in mind they said I had that amount to use for a replacement unit period , Not that it had to be a sears unit.
NOW ... they advised it was a in-store credit and had to be used at sears and no where else and since I did not use it they would not refund any money.
I used it the same as money with them when I got each unit the installer refused to install and I was NOT told it would only be good at sears and no place else.
After 2 hours of phone calls to Sears instillation and service polity divisions they finally agreed that I could use it for any sears appliance. WHAT.... You want me to get another A/C Unit or a appliance that I do not need and that the installer will refuse to install , the excuse this time probably will be it's the wrong color. Have you folks lost your minds the LAST thing I want from you is an appliance of any description.
Back on the phone and finally they gave me a store credit for 549.99 for any ONE item in the store and not necessarily an appliance.
Sears an go to Hell as far as I am concerned and they have lost a customer who use to shop there for major purchases .......NEVER AGAIN.
Sears ... Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Back.... BULL.
The Sage Continues......08-16-14 ( 1st New Service agreement on a ac unit I do not have )
Today's mail brought me a service policy on the broken AC Unit. They think I replaced it which has not happen. Keeping that in mind I asked for a refund since there is 14 months left on the policy.
The guy I was talking to told me they could not send me a refund since I have a different ac unit in there. I agreed I do have a different unit which I got from a different business and to top it off the old broken Sears unit is still in the wall. Since it is still there and I do not have a new sears unit I want a refund on the service policy.
After being on hold for what seamed like forever ......They can't do it since there is a new unit in there.....WRONG so I explain it again that the old broken unit is still there. Nope no dice can't give me a refund.
OK. The light came on.........
OK you say you can't give me a refund and the service police is good for 14 more months I want a service teck to check the unit. Now he tells me I have to contact the service dept so he transfers me to them.
Hello I need a service teck to check my ac unit..... We can't send a teck to your address since your unit is one yoyu have to bring to us. WHAT ??? I have had a service teck come out here for the last two units and even this one since it is in the wall and is not a portable unit.
Sears....Our records show you have a unit that can be delivered and it was installed 07-17-14 . it wasn't , it never left the back of the truck and stayed sealed in the box since your installer refused to install it.....
Sears ... Our records show it's a small unit that can be transported .....
Me....OK that was the 2nd unit I got , was delivered and never got out of the back of the truck or the box since the installer even refused to install it and like the other was returned still in the UNOPENED BOX.
Sears... If we send a service teck to your home we will have to charge you for the service call.
Me..... Here is the service contract number and I need a service teck to come here to prove to you I still have the old broken unit he wrote on to have replaced.
Finally they agreed to have a teck come out to see if the old unit is still there so I can get a refund.
I assumed the call would be free since I still have the service agreement.
Now I get this feeling they are screwing me over again so I ....................
Called sears at 6:40 P.M. 08-16-14 ,was advised it was a service call that will be billed to me , not covered under the service agreement. Explained things again and on hold while they check on something.
Long story short ........It is billable to me and they refuse to honer the service contract which is valid for 14 more months..........CANCELLED THE SERVICE CALL. Sent a copy of this to the Customer Relations Dept of Sears [email protected] if nothing happens then it is the BBB and some other proper action.
UPDATE...Aug 18 ,2014 ( 2nd new Service Agreement on a ac unit I do not have )
The mail brought another service agreement for the Air Conditioner that was NEVER INSTALLED on the 7-19-2014. So that's two service agreements on both air conditioners that were never removed from the box , much less the truck they were transported in.