Snakebite and sting kit |

Snakebite and sting kit


Well-Known Member
Kayak Jack is a fountain of knowledge and sometimes hits a perfect "10"

Last year he advised us to get a certain snake bite and sting kit, THE EXTRACTOR.

Well, my little old antique cat was in distress last week, having caught a finger in a snag. In trying to help her out i got bitten, real deep and real early in the morning. Then, off to work. By quitting time my finger was big, and hot and i thought my heart had taken up residence there by the throbbing. I got home, got a beer and the EXTRACTOR and used it about five times on the holes in my finger, drained it really well and soaked it in hot salt water, and drained it again.

The next morning it was still tender, but i can't really say it was SORE....and it is all better today.

I'm pretty certain that the EXTRACTOR made the difference there and got me out of a jam.

Thanks Jack.

piper PS: your stern advice about facing South and planting carrots only the day before a full moon turned out to be bunk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
Ron, my old, 16-year old, house cat. Little old lady, never been outdoors. No diseases, just cat-spit. piper

THE CAT bite you. Cat bite fever , it does cause some problems , if you are a dog. ( Jack , leave that statement alone) A dog will puff up like a balloon where the bite site is. It is not a pretty sight to see and the vets love it when you take a dog in for treatment. :lol:
Naturally , around here most folks take the recently deceased cat along for rabies testing since so many are running lose and have not had there shots.

Just yesterday we had a elderly lady who tried to chase some coons out of her yard was attacked by them. The paper said 6 of them were in the gang that attacked her.
Her rescuers chased them away with sticks and other stuff. She got some antibiotics , stitches and stables for her wounds and is hospitalized now and has started taking the rabies series of shots since no critter is there for testing.

Those shots are a lot better then back in the dark ages when I had to have them but I can ... GA-RUN-A -TEE you they are no dam fun. Only 8 today , back then 14.

One reason my philosophy today is to shoot and worry later about it.

I will bet a good peroxide soak to kill the bacteria or if some infection was setting in a hot Epsom Salt and water mix to draw the nasty stuff out would of done the same thing for you. You can't beat them , they do work wonders.



Well-Known Member
This was a REQUIRED carry item for all my Scouts.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I concur, Bill. Years ago when I first started trekking the Sierra Nevada mountains, I bought a Cutter snake bite kit. At the time ('67) I think it was about the only thing on the market. The directions are interesting to read, but the suction provided by the rubber cups is not of much use.

The Extractor REALLY does a job of cleaning out stuff. I've idly scratched at fly bites for a few days, applied the Extractor, and have had instant relief from itching. Same-same for bites of all kinds of bugs. Fortunately, I have no experience with it for snake bites. I did remove a recalcitrant sliver one time. Also, bee stingers and attendant venom.