SOF 15' 22'' build | Page 2 |

SOF 15' 22'' build


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
I am working on cutting the stringers to set flush against the bow...
I clamp a pc. of 1/2'' stock between the top and keel as a saw guide..

The gunwales are next..


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
They had some good chatter. I'd get amused, though, at the various breeds of "purists" who chided guys who riveted their joints instead of lashing with nylon, "like the Aleuts did." I paddled a few times with a guy who made a skin-on-stick boat with 2X4's and willow branches. The 2X4's were his gunnels, with holes drilled along in the bottom edges. He stuck in willow branches (from a tree in his front yard) as ribs. Had a nice pair of boats.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
Oh man !!!!can you imagine trying to wash out you're boat after fishing....I didn't think about that..even with the plywood frame and stringer scales and or what ever could get wedged in between the fabric and the stringers...
This type of boat is only going to be pristine inside if you never put it on the water...


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
Reply from Kudzu on cleaning out a SOF....
You will never get it all out.

While on the water you can put put water in the boat and push if forward and backward really quickly and agitate it and loosen up some, then dump it. I think that MIGHT loosed up some of the stuff trapped by pushing the skin away with the force of water. Or put it on stands and rinse the inside with a garden hose.

I no longer worry about. I try not to bring any mud or dirt into the boat, I rinse my feet before I pull them it, but it happens. I just don't worry about it. Never caused a problem.

Plus in the book he mentions fliping the boat over and hosing it out the water will run out the cockpit...