Springfield XD / XDM | SouthernPaddler.com

Springfield XD / XDM


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
I'm saving my nickels and dimes for a new pistol. The Ruger 9mm I have is a dependable chunk of metal, but I don't shoot it particularly well. And it suffers from the malady that all double action autos do - you have to either transition from double action trigger on the first shot to single action trigger on the second, or cock it when you bring it out of the holster.

Thought about a 1911 that could be carried cocked and locked, but magazine capacity is low, and "cocked and locked" makes me a bit nervous. (bear in mind that I'm an amateur and I know I'm an amateur. I try to get some range time in like all of us should, but I don't spend huge amounts of time at it).

Interested in a Springfield XD or XDM, probably in .40S&W. Caliber choice is influenced by the fact that my wife has a really sweet Glock compact with a ported barrel and night sights in .40. So we'd both be using the same ammo. Gun choice is influenced by;

-Same trigger pull every time (just like Glock and numerous other weapons)

-I shot one at a local range that rents guns. It felt incredibly natural in my hand, and hit where I pointed it as if it was reading my mind. Just remarkable compared to the Ruger.

-I really like the grip safety. I think it's a great idea, and that feature would make me comfortable with a round in the chamber.

-Really good press reports in the gun magazines.

Anybody own one, or know enough about them to comment?



New Member
Jan 10, 2010
My Friend has an XD in .40 . He likes it especially for the price. However, after shooting my Walther P99 in .40 he is thinking about selling the Springfield to get a Walther. The extra couple hundred bucks buy IMHO a lot nicer of a pistol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida
I have an XD in 45 and an XDM in .40S&W. I enjoy both of them, like the way they shoot, and they both have pretty high capacity, and neither have EVER had a fail to function (kinda important). That said, I like my Glocks, and my 1911, and my Kahr and my revolvers. Point of the story, guns is like tater chips, can't have jus' one.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
I ended up buying a Springfield XD, .45 ACP, 5" barrel (what they call the "Tactical" model", whatever "Tactical" actually means. I think everyone in the shooting and outdoors business thinks they have to have "tactical" this and "tactical" that. You could probably find tactical socks and jockey shorts if you searched on the web a bit. But I digress)

The pistol has a frame mounted manual safety, and a grip safety, pretty much like the 1911. Trigger pull is (guessing here) around five pounds, long and springy, typical of a striker fired pistol like a Glock, etc. The frame mounted safety lever blocks the trigger, and also locks the slide.

The manual safety is not common on the Springfield XD. Apparently there was a government contract that called for a .45 and required a manual safety, so they tooled up. You can find .45s with the safety if you hunt for them, or they can be ordered.

I've had about 250 rounds through it, mixed factory JHP, factory FMC, and nasty commercial FMC reloads bought at the range. The gun swallows everything I feed it and spits the bullets out the appropriate end. No malfunctions so far. I want to get another 250 rounds through it at the range before I start thinking of it as a defensive gun, but so far, no problems.

Accuracy is good enough for me; I am no wizard with a pistol, and the weapon undoubtedly is better than I am. Points well, decent 3-dot sights, and being as big as it is, recoil is no real factor.

Height and length are about the same as a full size 1911. Grip size is surprisingly about the same (surprising since the XD has a 13 round magazine), slide is considerably bulkier.

All in all, I am quite pleased. Just wish .45 ammo wasn't quite so expensive. :evil:
