Tandem kayak | SouthernPaddler.com

Tandem kayak


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
The kayak that inspired this project at the Bass Pro Shop is an Old Town tandem. I took a few measurements and started laying it out on cardboard.I started with just 1/4 of the hull and used pb.and cardboard for the mock-up .

Then I made paterns off the cardboard and then the actual pcs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
I keep it in the gurage..so..ha.. thanks .

Say I have a question: I noticed on the JEM site that all the hulls are only fiberglass taped instead of using cloth over the entire hull.
I did the entire hull on the outside and taped the seams on the inside. Used luan for the hull and ripped cedar from 2x6's for the deck all from home depot .

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
To answer your unasked question.

Weight concerns, just different build methods, whatever. I believe the full glass will give more strength but, unless you plan to slam it into rocks and trees on a regular basis, I don't think the full glass is nessary.

I'm sure, one of the pro builders will chime in here with a real answer.

Oh, if you plan on slamming into rocks and such. I'll bet the fisher person in front will have a few choice words about that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
On the Jem Boats I believe it depends on the boat but will not swear to it as far as taping over glassing. I made one of the kayaks and only glassed the outside , trying to save on the weight , next thing I know I get a email from Matt saying I should of glassed the whole interior , which I went back and did. The way I see it is that he knows more about his boats then I do. Especially since I made it out of thinner wood then recommended.

I have done some others that way to cut down on weight by only glassing the outside but most of my boats have glass all the way around , even the 14 x 30 Sasquatch I made at 30 pounds.

Discussing it with another boat builder ( he made ocean going sail boats up to 40 feet long ) while on a canoe camping trip. As he explained it the wood in our boats ( Canoes , Kayaks and Pirogues ) when glassed all the way around has a lot more strength ( flexing without breaking ) if you run it up on a log or rock when paddling then if only one side is glassed. Made sense to me since there is more reinforcement for the boat.

You sure have a beauty there and it is easy to see a lot of thought and work went into it. :D
