Tar & Feather 90% of politicians and... | SouthernPaddler.com

Tar & Feather 90% of politicians and...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
hang the other 10%. Watching news and getting steamed. Some politicians sold stocks before Chinese virus really hit the fan. (They knew what would happen) One senator sold 1.7 million bucks worth, another 3 million and even more guilty SOB’s. How does a guy that was a lawn mower salesman, get into politics and end up with 1.7 million? Harry Reid entered politics with nothing and left with millions. Most of these politicians have low IQ’s. Take Hank Johnson from GA! He just submitted the most anti 2A bill ever to take away one of your rights from the bill of rights. The same Hank Johnson who thought Guam was tipping over because too many people lived on one side of the island! Think about that, he wants to tell us what we should do and pass our laws!
No politician is really held accountable! 33,000 emails vanish, 20% of our uranium sold to Russia and Hellery makes 25 million from it.
Mad Maxine Waters most corrupt person in Congress. We could go on for days if not months. There is no hope in politicians.
Washington is so corrupt it can never be fixed. Unless we bring back tar & feathers and ropes over cherry trees in DC. We are doomed! I need to watch less news and more Three Stooges.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
What we need is about 90% less guv’mint. All politicians leave office as millionaires. Even after they make the millions, they become power crazed. Ya know... Power is corrupt and to test his character... give a man power.
Abe Lincoln said something like that idea.
I abhor politicians!

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
While not disagreeing much with you, my financial advisor also foresaw the market dip, and gave similar advice. That’s the kind of stuff they’re supposed to do - are paid to do.
That doesn’t mean that I trust politicians.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
If we would fence in our nations capital we would have the largest group of known criminals contained called politicians. Think about it , why would someone pay millions to get a job that only pays $174,000.00 a year , Plus benefits , about 1/10th of what was spent to get the position.
Those benefits must really pay. Obama went in flat broke and 2016 net worth was 40 million. ( Presidential salary is $400,00.00 a year ,( 8 years in office = 3,200,000.00 )