I meant an inwhale with triangles glued in between it and the gunnel. Using a thin board (3/8" - 1/2" thick) about 1 1/2" - 2" wide, mark off a series of 45-45-90 degree triangles. This is a zig zag row of 45 degree lines down the board.
Cut those out, smooth them up nicely, and glue them to inside of the gunnel your repaired. I have mine about 2" apart center to center. Alternate them pointing up then next one down, just as they lay on the original board. Glue the inwhale to these. It will stiffen up the gunnel, and add a LOT of strength. It also adds a series of tie down points for cargo, and the boat still drains well when rolled up on its side.
NOTE: the inwhale will not be a straight board; it will be a curve. I used 1/8" plywood as it is flexible. Clamp it along the repaired gunnel and mark it. If you don't have pieces long enough to do it in one piece, don't have a joint in the middle of the boat. That's where the most stress is. Have joints out near the ends, and overlay the joint with a 6" piece of plywood as a scab patch for strength. One piece looks better, but a reinforced joint is just as strong - only a bit heavier.