The dreaded Dr. visit |

The dreaded Dr. visit

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
Just a short note here .

Most of us have reached the age of Geezerdom. I me own self am 66 and I'm sure there are some of y'all fast approaching that number so.

After several strong hints , at least one every six months when renewing perscriptions, I finally signed on for a colonoscopy.

After the initial worry, the day approached. Everyone said that the prep was the worst part. NOT SO. having to drink a gallon of liquid in three hours wasn't all that bad. Using a straw helped a lot.

Today for the big finish I went to the office. All it was, and there was no pain , was getting a needle in the top of my hand, being wheeled into a room and after being hooked up to cardio monitors, taking a deep breath. At that point it was over. I woke up about 30 min later, talked to the Dr. and was wheeled out.

Now came the worst part. They put some air into the bowel while looking at it. Getting rid of the gas was the worst part of the whole thing.
Medium level pain at the most but, still uncomfortable.

SO: the point of this ramble which may include to much information is:

IF you haven't , get it done.It is not something to worry about. I'm the biggest wimp I know and if I can handle it , all y'all can.

Finding problems early is the best way to cure them.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Good on ya, Baldy. I had a pressurized enema at a VA hospital; had been worried about exposure to agent orange. That damned VA guy must have studied under Dr. Mengele, who used to conduct tortuous "experiments" on Jewish prisoners.

He had a lot of pressure in there, I thought I was going to explode. (Less than half a pound of pressure will tear up your guts) My VA tormentor was relentless. I got even when he extracted the tube - his positioning by the edge of the table was less than erudite. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Guy's Thank You but ......... NO THANKS. I know a ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure and it is great that you are doing it.

They have poked , prodded , inspected , trespassed and even cut into other numerous parts and done things I do not to care to mention with..ALL..the rest of me , that is one part they are not going to mess with. My Doc has been telling me I need to have that done and I keep telling him when he can prove to me they serve ice water in hell ....... Then I might sort of think about it. :twisted:

Besides they would have to shut off the defibrillator/pacemaker ( when needed) and take into consideration that the left bottom portion of my heart is scar tissue..( not all but a lot) .. I would drive there cardio monitors krazy so I probably would not qualify for it but they would do it anyway.
Going to go with what I have , been working for 66 years for me and still is so it should keep going till everything stops , sometime , which it will...... That is a guaranteed thing we can not avoid.

Taking it one day at a time and making the most of it. All I ask for is the time to make another boat and one more camping trip then one more and one more and on and on till I can't.


Well-Known Member
good for you Baldy. As my Doc told me, "there's a lot of ways to die. Colon cancer is up at the top of the list of the worst ways. " I have a great Doc, my age, and very personable. He looked right at me when he said this....i could tell by the look in his eyes that he meant it.

I scheduled the test. Had three polyps clipped. Three years out, two more and I'll go back, with a smile. I may not do it on my birthday the next time....
