The Food Pyramid |

The Food Pyramid


Well-Known Member
Kayak Jack will be headed south after Christmas and has expressed his opinion that the quality of food as well as variety is important to him, and, being a creful eater, he wants to stick with the FOOD PYRIMID.

Jack, look.......we'll do our best. I figure that a good base, made of fresh Gulf shrimp, fired and golden brown, planked over with thin, crispy slabs of fresh catfish, then a layer or two of deep fried oysters, more catfish, then some hot hushpuppies, all topped off with some gator-bites, deep fried of course. Some crawfish ettoute' and a pot of chicken and sausage gumbo on the side......well, that's a food pyramid you can be proud of.

I may have to practice this a couple of times first, to make sure I can balance all those hot, crispy, spicey tidbits and still keep the pyramid looking good.

Did ya want fries with that, sir?



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Got to have some greens to make it. Either Swamp Cabbage (goes good with catfish and hush puppies ).
Or 1/3rd each , Collards , Mustard and Turnip (add some side meat ) and cook it ..... then add the greens and cook till wilted. Or just use some water and steam them if you don't like the fat back or side meat. :D



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Don't forget the Tomatoes an Okra. Plus if there is a Road Kill Cafe anywhere around your area make sure he spends one or two meals there , it is his favorite place for a meal.
He and oldyaker just could not get enough of there meals at Neverglades. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Well, how bout deep fried Snickers bars? I seen 'em at the flea market in Canton, Texas.
Deep fried poke salad.......hmmm.....that iz a new one Chuck. Mebbe wrap the Snickers bar in a big leaf of poke salad 'n deep fry it? That oughta kill the chimichanga market.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. H. L. Mencken

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
bearridge said:
fried rutabaga pie ta top it all off?
Br'r Bear, you misspelled rhubarb. And, partner, we bake it. Can fry apple pie, but not rhubarb.

Piper San, your food pyro-mad sounds right tasty. You build a couple of'em, and if I like those two, we'll tackle anuther. Okie dokie?

And, I'm already practicing my Jack Benny routine. Right arm folded, with index finger along side right cheekbone. Left hand cupping right elbow. Lonnnnnnggggg thoughtful pause, then "Ohhh.... PIPer San??!!"

But the restaurants we visit will be at least one notch better than the Road Kill Cafe. AARRGGHH!! They even screwed up gritz - and I didn't think they could get worse. But those folks figured out how. Course, when you take a half hour to do it, you oughta be able to come up with something. Most of them didn't qualify to play second banjo on the side porch, let alone handle food for public consumption. Anyway, Ex-Lax would have been tastier and cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
You have family in Louisiana, or pretty close to family anyway, so come join us.


No family out there just some really good friends I would not mind visiting. I am sure they could get me into the real Louisiana ( back woods not the tourist areas ) without any problems. Heck I would be in the back woods just to visit them.

I have been toying with the idea of taking out in the spring and doing some camping along I-10 and it's side roads. I-10 out to Texas and then sort of ricochet around coming back home.
I have the means to do it ( the wheels with a pirogue on the top and a camper) so a road trip of 3 or 4 weeks looks like it would be fun.

Get plenty of the green dye so you can make Jacks Scotch green for him. Just tell him it is swamp scum and is good for him. :lol: NO ... Really , he puts rum in his lemon aid when Cokes are available. :lol:

Heineken comes in green bottles.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Jeez....nobody even mentioned fried ice cream in a pork rind cone? And ya call yerself Suth'Ners! :lol: