Uncle John Pirogue | SouthernPaddler.com

Uncle John Pirogue


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Katy, TX
I can finally utter the words: "I built a boat."

After nearly two and a half years, I've finished the "six hour canoe."

While applying the third coat of varnish on the bottom, I made up my mind that this would be it. Of course, it was the poorest coat of varnish I put on, but oh well. I'm done! :D

Here's a couple pictures.

Next step, put it in the water. Was hoping for an "official" launch party today, but my wife is still recovering from gall bladder surgery and I've got a date with a bar-b-que pit in a few hours. So, maybe next week.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Good job Russell. :) The six hours is how long befor you start another one. I know you been thinking how you would do something different, or how you can make it better. Enjoy this one, but start another one. A man has to have something to do when he is not paddling, right? :roll: :lol:



Active Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lapland, IA
Congrats on this!! There's nothing like paddling a creation of your own--6 hours paddling is only a teaser. Enjoy your work, and when someone asks "I built this!" Have fun, remember the open side goes up, and catch some fish!!