Ventilation??? |



Well-Known Member
redfisher......I build a nice dennis Davis KYak many years ago, kept milk jugs in it for flotation, then thought i'd be smart and stand it up on end and fill it with foam. It discolored the plywood, all the way through, and later it failed.......I'll never do that again. I'd use a fitted air bladder if I had another chance.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Red Fisher,

The myth of an "airtight chamber" in a wooden boat is just that, a myth. A builder can seal it up all he wants, it will expand and contract with changes in temperature and air pressure. As this happens, it may actually hold air - for a while.

Soon, all the flexing - it will happen several times daily no matter what you do - will weaken a joint. Now, air that is sucked in and pushed back out will leave behind condensation. Mold, wood rot, etc. will follow. It may take a few years, but it will happen.

Construct a bulkhead, add a water proof hatch, AND drill in a very small hole up at the top of the bulkhead. About the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Now, as pressure changes the air can flow and equalize within the chamber. If you capsize, water may flow all of two or three drops through the itty-bitty hole.

You now have a well designed, usable piece of equipment. In use, store gear or nothing in the chamber. And, when you store the boat, pull the hatch and let the chamber vent to open air.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Land O Lakes,Florida
Thank you very much for that answer and explanation.
I will pick up a couple deck plates and save the foam for future door and window instalations.(in homes, not pirogues :D )


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

I have a small "end bag" I used when I paddled the Big Red SOB on whitewater. It is a small, triangle shaped air bag that you can blow up in 2 minutes. Buy one fer each end of yer homemade boat. Then either glue a "D" ring into the bottom ta tie down the end bag 'er run some lace across the gunwales....'er both. I did both, but I dont reckon ya'll need all that. Lacin' likely would work jest fine.

When ya git back ta shore, jest let the air out. No worry bout all that other stuff. IIRC, Nobucks showed how ta make yer own airbag.


ps What iz the reason fer all this? Dont the boats float anyway? If ya'll jest need a dry place, why not a dry bag? Kayak Jack tole ya'll how ta make them outta shower curtain.

The Constitution should be taken like mountain whiskey -- undiluted and untaxed. Sam Ervin

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Nobucks (Joel Fleischer of Black Dog Kayak) tells how to make inflatable flotation bags. I make a poor boy dry bag from the streets of plastic that you put over windows in the winter.

Lay out on the floor a sheet of heavy plastic, say 3' X 4'. Fold it over double to make it 1.5' X 4'. Tape up one end and the side with duct tape. In use, fill it no more than 3/4 full, tightly toll the open end, goose neck it and secure with cord.

If you cannot find tough plastic in sheets, buy trash compactor bags. They are much thicker and tougher than a normal trash bag. Don't cut and retape it; use it as it comes from the store. If it develops a leak. put on more duct tape. If it doesn't, don't. You can protect these pseudo dry bags from abrasion by carrying them in a nylon stuff bag.

I wish I could make it simpler; I can't.