I spent hours upon hours perusing my Herter's catalog back in the 60's. What a lot of dreams were contained therein.
"O" BOY !!!! Another Herter's World Foremost outfitters fan.
I still have a recurve bow I got from Herters and a couple dozen pressed Port Orford Cedar arrows. Plus broad heads , field points and all the rest.
I could not wait till that catalog came in the mail , can visualize the cover of it as I type this.
They were the #1 place Dad would get outdoor gear from. At times I managed to get him to include what I saved up for. . Back in those days they had the best selection and really was the only place to get anything like that from.
I keep a couple of the wood duck decoys we got from them and shot a lot of ducks over. Today they are mementos of past times. There sitting on the top of the book case here at the house.
I got a tent from them in the late 50's.
It was a two person tent in the standard green canvas and constructed like this one is made today. The best part was the ventilation along the sides of the tent which can be enjoyed even in a rain. I put a lot of miles on it and eventually traded it to a camping buddy for his Jungle Hammock.