Where can I find one of these? | SouthernPaddler.com

Where can I find one of these?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
A long time ago, back in the dark ages, someone made a BB gun that would fire 1,000 BB's in a minute and was CO2 operated. Does anyone know where I can find one :?:

If not then I would like a Paint Ball Gun that fires CAYENNE BALLS in the semi auto action at a rate of fire of one or two per second and is accurate (point of aim) at 75 to 100 feet. :D If the Cayenne ammo is not available then I want some with the essence of Skunk Oil and Green Florissant paint in them.

Any help in this matter would be really appreciated. Just looking for a non lethal weapon but one that is quite irritating and would leave a mark on the intended victim. DON'T ASK................. NO, I am not going Swampy or Kayak Jack hunting. I just have a problem that needs to be marked for identification so I/we can find it later the next day.

Preferably the weapon would be a hand gun, not a shoulder (rifle) weapon. :D



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Ole Sparkey,

If it iz tourist season, why caint ya kill 'em? Sounds like a paint ball pistol iz what ya need....less ya aim ta identify 'em frum a limp. :roll: :roll:

bodine rod 'n gun club

Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. W. C. Fields

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Said to be among the last words of Custer, "NO - we will not take the Gattling guns with us."

Sounds to me, Chuckie, like you need something with about 8 barrels and hand cranked. I've never heard of a BB gun with a rate of fire over 16 per second.

Maybe an M-16 would do you. They're still being made by Mattell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Wasola, Missouri

I use a cheap WalMart paint pistol only I freeze the paint balls before using them. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Other things that may work are;
paint ball grenade
potato gun
home made pvc and co2, bb gun
water balloon with ink

My favorite is a loud speaker in the tree and when they walk by, say some scary stuff and watch them run screaming. :twisted:

Better yet a combo of any of the above. :idea:

Good Luck and have fun with it. :twisted:

Mark them all and sort them out later

P.S. That 100 shot Co2 bb gun your speaking of is in a book called The Poor Mans James Bond, by Palladin Press. I lost my copy but it showed you step by step instructions on making one. You can find order forms in Soldier of Fortune magazine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Off to Wally World for some fun shopping. Now if I can locate some empty paint balls then I could fill them with the Cayenne or if it is bear slipping around here some Zantarians.
I am sure the hunting section has Essence of Skunk somewhere on the shelf, take some paint out of the ball with a hypo and inject the Essence of Skunk then seal it. :D

Not a bad idea about the Jet Skies. Just mount the gun on the bow of my boat and have a remote firing mechanism. Then I could draw little pictures of jet skies I have shot down on the bow like the fighter pilots of old did on there airplanes. 5 or more hits and you are an ACE.
Now ... How do you out paddle a really ticked off jet skier? Better forget that idea I can't paddle that fast :evil:


Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
oldsparkey said:
A long time ago, back in the dark ages, someone made a BB gun that would fire 1,000 BB's in a minute and was CO2 operated. Does anyone know where I can find one :?:

Sorry Chuck---just now seeing your post. Anytime you have an airgun question just E-mail me direct since my forum reading is so erratic. (sorta like my personality :wink: )
I believe you are thinking of an all-plastic, full-auto, freon powered 'thingy' advertised in the back pages of such publications as Popular Mechanics and outdoor magazines. Unfortunately the laws concerning discharge of freon into the atmosphere obsoleted the product if they weren't already out of production at the time the laws were enacted. They were cheaply made and qute inaccurate. A friend once bought one and we enjoyed playing with it for a time, but even in the day of $.97 for a # can of R-12 they were expensive to operate simply because paychecks matched.
They are now collectors items much sought by airgun collectors and others.
Take a look at the new series of paintball guns that use the small paintballs. I think they'll do what you want to do. HTH, Tom


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
St. Clair Shores, MI.
I'm thinking ya could use a WristRocket slingshot and some paintballs? Ya can paint the side of your work shop just practicing, ofcourse I dont know if ya want a chartruse colored workshop.
