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Where's my dang apron......


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Anyone can fing a Possum along the road with a tire track over it here in the states , this is best if it has not been managled up to bad.

Possum Stew

One possum, skinned, pieced
Couple of onions, potatos, other veggies yer
choice ..chop or slice em ....however
1 can of mushroom soup
2 cans of beef gravy
1 can of water
Tbsp each of pepper, garlic salt

Boil the possum meat in a large pot of water
with a half cup of salt for about half a day.
Pour the water out and add all the stuff to it.
Bring to a boil, then simmer covered 4 to 8 hrs.

Serves 8 (or 1 for a week).
Gravy is good sopped up with week-old bread.
You can eat other stuff with it too.
Drink beer
(TIP: 3 day old roadkill is more tender and
easier to skin)

For our friends in Australia.......

Kangaroo Tail Soup

  1 Kangaroo Tail
  2 litres Water
  1 Stalk Celery
  1 large Carrot
  10 Peppercorns
  1 large Onion
  30 grams Flour
  30-60 grams Dripping
  Tomato Sauce

Wash, scald and dry the tail and divide the large joints at the root and shake in the flour. Heat the dripping and brown the pieces of tail.

Add the water and gently cook for 4 hours, or until the meat is tender. Strain the stock into a large basin. Take out the pieces of tail and dip into boiling water to remove excess fat.

When the stock is cold, skim off the fat which will have formed on the top. Return the stock to the pan adding the vegies, salt, peppercorns and cloves. Cook until the vegies are tender and soft, press vegetables through a strainer, return once more to the pan and thicken with flour, which has been made into a thin paste with milk of water. Stir, and once more bring the soup to the boil.Add the tomato sauce, simmer for a further 5 minutes so that the flour is thoroughly cooked, then serve the soup hot.The pieces of Kangaroo Tail can be reheated in a thick gravy flavoured with a little walnut vinegar and served separately, garnished with chopped pickled walnut ...yum! .....and finally,a recipe where splatter doesn't matter, maybe a shovel on the freeway will save some time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Since this turned into a recipe exchange..

I like recipe exchanges!

Elephant Stew


1 Elephant
10 Warthog
100 kilogram tomatoes
half ton potatoes
2 bags onions
100 kilogram salt
1 wheelbarrow onions (heaped)
10 liter vinegar
20 liter chutney
4 Guineafowl


Hunt the elephant, warthog and guineafowl. Hang guineafowl to ripen. Cut elephant into edible chunks, (will take about a month). Boil the warthog with other ingredients (except guineafowl) till nice and juicy. Now boil elephant chunks over high flames till tender. (will take about 4 weeks) and add everything together. Boil for another 5 to 7 days.

Produces about 3,500 helpings.

Note: If the above isn't enough, add the guineafowl as well.

Perhaps Croc Curry instead?
3 Large Crocs (C. Niloticus)
1 Smoked warthog
3000 Green peppers
1-4kgs of Curry Powder (depending on how hot you like it) I personally like the 'Mother-in-Law's tongue" brand
1/2 ton rice
1 Tree of Bay Leaves

1. Beat crocs over the heads with a sledgehammer.
2. Collect tears in 44 gallon drums and use them for salad dressing.
3. Indian chef tells assistants to place crocs into heated swimming
pool. Turn on the steam. Make sure that the crocs area quite dead -
otherwise spare assistants might be required.
4. Boil for 10 days. After 7 days, skin can be pulled off - which is
used for handbags etc. Nice keepsake for the invited guests. During the 10th day the teeth will fall out and are used for jewellery and amulet's.
5. Cut off tail and use for Crock-tail soup at a later stage - keep in
deepfreeze once cooled off.
6. Surviving assistants then must cut crocs into bite size cubes.
7. Add remaining ingredients and allow to simmer for a further 2 days.
Taste to see if it has enough spices etc. I sometimes like to add
apricot jam to give it extra juiciness and flavour - about 5 kgs or to taste should do.
8. Curry should be ready when the vultures start circling above.

Serves approximately 1250 people.
PS - Let your mother-in-law try it out first


Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe

2 pounds calf testicles*
2 cups beer
2 eggs, beaten
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup yellow cornmea1
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil**
1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce

* Be sure to ask your butcher for calf testicles, not bull testicles. Calf testicles are the size of a walnut and are much more tender than the larger bull testicles.

** Use enough vegetable oil to fill your frying container halfway to the top (to allow for bubbling up and splattering) and to completely cover calf testicles while frying.

With a very sharp knife, split the tough skin-like muscle that surrounds each testicle. Remove the skin (you can remove the skin easily if the testicles are frozen, then peel while thawing). Slice each testicle into approximately ¼- to ½- inch-thick ovals. Place slices in a large pan or blow with enough beer to cover them; cover and let sit 2 hours.

In a shallow bowl, combine eggs, flour, cornmeal, salt, and pepper. Remove testicles from beer; drain and dredge thoroughly in the flour mixture. In a large, deep pot, heat oil to 375 degrees F. Deep fry 3 minutes or until golden brown (will rise to the surface when done). Drain on paper towels. Serve warm with your favorite hot pepper sauce.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm ashamed of you folks sending out jokery recipes. Here's a serious one. Sometimes, when fellers go a hunting, they come back empty handed. In those trying times, here's what to do. Gather up all the game tracks (deer, turkey, ring necked pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, etc.) you cna fnd. Bring'em home.


Take a half bushel of game tracks, cut into edible pieces & sear them in a large, cast iron spider. Drain any excess fat (Southerners can ignore this last - they will likely ADD fat). Add enough water to cover

1 bunch of carrots
5 pounds of potatoes sliced into edible chunks
7 onions
8 cloves of garlic
Bet er add more onions and garlic
3 bay leaves
a handfulla salt

Cover and simmer for 3 hours. Serve over rice. (It's better if you cook the rice first)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I got pals who ate blackbirds cuz they wuz hongry. Folks stir fry field mice fer the same reason. Everbody aint yuppies.


The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated because of his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine. unknown high school student