Which Hennesy? | SouthernPaddler.com

Which Hennesy?


New Member
Aug 17, 2011
Hi guys, Which hennesy do you think might best suit kayak & canoe camping in the mosuito and midge infested Aussie sup tropics. (prbably a bit similar to the Florida area. )

What do you Florida guys use?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Any of the Hennesey Hammocks would do what you are asking , it all depends on which one you like. All of them will give you a good nights sleep.
If you get one , get the Hex Fly in place of the standard rain fly for the hammock , it offers a lot more protection from the elements.

Here in Florida and south Georgia I have been using a Hennesey Hammock ( Safari Deluxe ) and the bugs will bite you threw the bottom of it if you don't have something under you to stop them. I use a camping pad like you would use in a tent.

One of the guys in Louisiana went camping in his Hennessey in a backwater Bayou and in the morning his arms were a mess of bits from the bugs bitting him threw the material on the bottom of the hammock. He did not have anything between his body and the bottom of the hammock.

Now in all fairness I have to say these hammocks I am talking about are a couple of years old so I do not know if the new ones are bug proof on the bottoms. Or if there is something a person can add to the outside of the hammocks bottom to keep the mosquitoes away from the bottom material. One person I camp with that has a Hennesey ( Explorer ) sprays the bottom of his hammock with bug dope to keep them away.

You might want to look at these..........( Have not used one so I can not say either way about them )
Deep Jungle Asym and the Deep Jungle Asym XL We have recently introduced the new Deep Jungle Asym and the Deep Jungle Asym XL. These models have two layers of tightly woven 30D high tenacity nylon with a polyester 66 ripstop which make them 100% mosquito proof through the bottom fabric.

For all the mosquito information...........
http://hennessyhammock.com/articles/mos ... rotection/

I have found a hammock that is bug proof and have used it here in Florida and surrounding states and have not been bit while sleeping in it. The Clark Tropical Hammock.


Well-Known Member
Chuck, i only had three hundred bites on that one arm. No big deal. I was going to donate blood that week anyway and this saved me taking the extra time to do it.

If I was going to buy ANOTHER Hennesey I'd look into one with a SIDE ZIPPER, and the regular bottom opening. I may have mine modified, as there is an outfit that will do that.

I have the standard rain fly, and it works and i've used it in some reasonable rainstorms with no problems. But, these days when i hang the hammock i follow Jdupre' s lead and just build a 10 x 12 plastic tarp roof over it. The stock tarp is nice in the winter when it is about 15 degrees, i lay a blanket over the netting and pull the stock tarp down snug all around.

Nice unit.......but I wish i had a Clark.



Well-Known Member

A lot will depend on how big you are as well , I bought the Expedition but found it was slightly too small for me so then bought the safari deluxe and it's great ,

I found the floor of my Safari Deluxe seems slightly thicker than my Expedition , had some problems with mosquitoes biting me through the bottom with the Expedition but so far not the Safari deluxe

Where abouts are you , I'm at Miriam Vale , just south of Gladstone
