Wikibias |



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I loved the idea behind Wikipedia....still do, but now it smells like some rotten Denmark stuff. After Mister John Edwards made a love child, Wiki put up the tale, with a heap a sources....then the Spam hit the fan. I reckon some of ya'll aint heard bout this on the reglar tv 'n news.....cuz they aint on the up'n up. If ya wanna know more, use yer google button. [But dont ya'll trust Google too much neither.]

Whilst browsin' round on the Edwards' love chld tale (Wiki jest took the article down) I run across the quote below.


For fun once, I tried adding something about Ted Kennedy’s alcoholism– very measured and scrupulously documented– to his Wikipedia page. It was instantly removed on the grounds that it was not relevant to the section it was in. Because we all know alcoholism doesn’t affect your Health. Mike G Aug 5, 2008 - 6:31 am