worthless evil doers | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

worthless evil doers


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I like three strikes 'n yer out....cept fer a few really bad ones which call fer jest one strike. I wanna put the money inta givin' the really bad ones (one strike crime) a good trial lawyer (not appeal lawyers), but the third offense litterer kin do with a public lawyer.....same with burglary, DUI, vandalism, robbery, bad checks, shopliftin', voter fraud, etc. Givin' anybody three chances iz more'n fair. Makin' convicts better'n when they went in iz a big joke.....gives a heap a jobs ta deadbeats who claim otherwise.


We could adopt a better approach to crime by showing criminals the same kind of mercy that they show their victims.  Walter E. Williams

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Wannabe said:
Jack, In Biblical times they would take problem people outside the city gates and throw rocks until they had no problem.
That accounts for the muslim world. The christian world gassed, burned, and shot'em; others crucified; others beheaded.

I wonder if the "stone age primitives" weren't a bit more tolerant of weirdos that weren't violent?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Katy, TX
Just stumbled across this thread. Bear, sorry to hear of your family's troubles, but glad to hear that everything seems to have worked itself out, more or less.

I just cannot fathom how or why people do these bad things.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
rpecot said:
...I just cannot fathom how or why people do these bad things.
I think, Russ, that this is a major difference between normal folks and criminals. Normals ones can't even think how something this nasty would be done. We can't imagine despoiling a child, knocking down an old person, raping gaggles of women, killing people, etc. Can't even wrap our minds around it. While for others, it's everyday business.

PS: I guess I'd knock down a lady or a child or an oldster to rescue them from having to eat something nasty - like, say, gree-itz.) :roll:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Take there Grits away... :shock: :twisted: :oops:
Are you kidding , they would " Clean ya Clock" if you got between them and there Grits. It would be easier extracting teeth from a 16 foot Gator with a toothache and a hangover with an all purpose tool. :lol:
