Zatarains |



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
I am not sure of the time line, but either Zatarains, is an imitation of Tony's, or Tony Chachere improved the formula.
Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning is the better of the two! Having said that, both are head and shoulders above all other salt type seasonings.
A close third is Old Bay, I think it's from North Carolina. A lot different flavor, but really really good.
The liquid Zatarains crab boil is unsurpassed with crab, crawfish, and shrimp. Tony's is only passable there. Old Bay is unsurpassed in a Carolina low land boil. (I have to stop typing until I can stop droolin!) Tony's is only passable there, as well. But for a dredge for fish, or a table seasoning, Tony's is the only way to go!
Tony's is actually more Cajun that Creole. The cuisines overlap a great deal. When Tony Chachere got into business, it wasn't so cool being Cajun.
As an aside, I discovered Tony's when I was playing music along the Gulf coast. I became addicted, and then moved back to Oklahoma. No Tony's in Oklahoma, I had to order it for six dollars for an eight ounce box, six box minimum. ( I tried to turn Safeway, as a drug dealer, to no avail.) Now I've moved to Texas, and Tony's has moved to Texas, and now I buy it for six bucks for five eight ounce boxes!)( a month's supply!)
And while I am on the subject of Louisiana groceries, Community Coffee, in Baton Rouge is the best, day in and day out, coffee on the face of the planet! I am particularly fond on their "New Oreans" blend, with chicory. I like coffee that will float a horseshoe, and Community Coffee lends itself to that idea.
AND, the best andoulle on the delta, is "Jacob's" in La Place. (Drooling again.) It's fully cooked, and it takes a good bit of cooking to get it to meld into good gumbo. But, you can buy a lot more than you need for gumbo, and snack while the gumbo boils.
And the there is the beigenets at Du Monds--- I gotta go. I'm starveing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
AAAAEEEEEEE!!! Mais, you talkin' ma language, Cher! Love all the stuff you mentioned. Not familiar with that brand of andoulle, but even so- so andoulle is better than just about any other kind of sausage. The Zatarains company has been around a lot longer that Tony Chachere but don't know if their boxed seasonall came before the Tony's.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
jimsong said:
I am not sure of the time line, but either Zatarains, is an imitation of Tony's, or Tony Chachere improved the formula.
Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning is the better of the two! !

"O" Boy , I'm going to dig a shelter and stay in there for a long time , I see the smoke rising over Mississippi , guess it is Bearridge reading this. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This will get interesting.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
You said a mouthful there Chuckles!! :shock: That Guy from Cleveland uses Zat's for hemorrhoid's. jock itch, tooth powder, foot powder, and dusts around the house for ants.
Take cover jimsong! There's a contract out on yer arse from the Mizziizzippi
Mafia! 8)


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Fo' o' tree yankees might not unnerstand dis' T-Jay. Doze way up Nort, 'round Baton Rouge.
I am not Cajun, worse- I married one. I'm Cherokee from east Oklahoma. After Becoming semi Cajun by osmosis, playing guitar in Louisiana,, and Missippissi for several years. then , after thirty years, I married one. One would think I should have know better. No regrets!
Another Cajun thing is Merliton. It ain't pronounced anything like it's spellled. (MelitO(n).
I was around Paradis, taking care of my wife's famly business. Before I leave the delta, I always stock up on Cajun ingrediants.(I don't care how many labels on the package says"Authentic Cajun family recipe", if it is not from Acadiana, it sucks!)I carried twenty pounds of andoulle, pickled pork, and boudin up to the counter. Along the way I passed a huge pile of melito(n). I picked up three, And continued to the check out.
As I was checking out, I commented that I was buying Cajun food for my wife.
The clerk went wild-"Wha she gwanna do wi'jus'tree melito(n)?" Those were the last words I understood. She gave me recipes for melito(n) for fifteen minutes! I enjoyed the"conversation" emmincsly, but after the first exchange, I undestood nothing.
By the way, for those too far away to know better, "Cher" is not pronounced "Share". It's "Sha", as in "Shasta"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Ya played a geetar in Mizzysippi........ya just might came outta dis OK jimsong.......... :roll:


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Jacobs doesn't distribute his andoulle in any other stores. The customer area of his store is about the size of an average bathroom. And it's always crowded. They do however have a website:
By the way, turn off your cell phone before entering the store. The pace of selling is so fast, they don't wish to compete with your trivial phone calls.
Some really nice folks can get nasty in a hurry. Some of them work for Jacobs. Plus it's just common courtesy.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
When I'm in Kinder, La. I always buy a whole bunch of Cajun smoked sausage and Boudin from Chadeaux's Cajun Kitchen to bring home with me. I vacuum pack and freeze it to hold me over until the next trip. Mighty good eatin'. 8) 8) 8)



Well-Known Member
Ya, this is i was under the impression that EVERYTHING WAS BIGGER AND GRANDER AND BETTER IN TEX-ASS .........and now we come to find out that when the Texans want good food, they hop in the buggy and visit good, ole Loooozeyanna..........ya boy.........learn something every day.

Piper ( at home in Louisiana, and lovin' it)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
islandpiper said:
Ya, this is great...........and now we come to find out that when the Texans want good food, they hop in the buggy and visit good, ole Loooozeyanna..........ya boy.........learn something every day.

Piper ( at home in Louisiana, and lovin' it)
Well yeah! Who would thunk different? Louisiana has it all over us when it comes to good food. Well, 'cept for BBQ!

And when we want good wimens, we stay home in Texas. 8) 8) 8) :p :p :p



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
There is great food all over the world. I love it all. (A little too much, I fear.) Cajun cuisine is one of the smallest, and for some reason, restricted.
Oklahoma or Missouri has the best BBQ, San Antonio, the best Tex-mex. The crab cakes and the low land boil are on the East coast. Monterrey, for north Mexico food. Meri'da for south east Mexico food. Taxco for indian food. Pennsylvania or Ohio for for sausage. New York for pizza or Bagels. Athens for spinaka(that is nowhere near the right spelling) Hong Kong for the best noodles. Nuac mam is better in Saigon.
My point being, I can buy all this stuff, and it's authentic. Cajun food does not leave Acadiana. Oh, you can find packages of meat, and packages of spices labled "Cajun", but it is NEVER authentic. all it is is the same-o, same-o American crap with an inordinate amount of cayenne added. No more , no less.
Those of us near enough, and in my case, have kin on the delta, are fortunate to be able to aquire "honest-to-God Cajun goodies. I kind of hope it stays that way. It's kind of neat, Having a tiny region of fantastic food in my country. One that everyone in the world wants to sample.
You guys in Louisiana are pretty much spoiled rotten. :lol: . That is meant in the most friendly manner possible.
Louisiana (read delta. Have you noticed the those Louisianans that are not in the delta are not really claimed by the delta folks?) is truly a garden of eden. The mosquitos and alligators and moccasins and coral snakes and ticks and the giant flying roaches 38 different lizards that invade homes, not withstanding, it's a great place!
Oh well, I have forgotten what point I was reaching for, but this has been a good op-ed,
PS: I happen to hit Ponchatoula several times a year. I'll track you down some day. You sound sort of sane.


Well-Known Member
Well seeing as how your all talking about food I'll throw in my little discovery , last week I tried Horseradish sauce for the first time and loved it , been putting it on every thing , this morning I tried a Jalapeno , Horseradish and bacon omelette , my taste buds thought it great , my ulcer didn't agree , I think in the long term my ulcer is going to win



Well-Known Member
Piper , Jack

No problem with the horseradish , it was the Jalapenos , now I eat Jalapenos a lot but this jar was the hottest ones I've ever had , and of course I tend to pile them on a bit , will try and find some milder ones , but then again it may be time to give my ulcer a rest from spicy food for a while , I have to do this from time to time or it gives me hell
