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  1. M

    Is it too cold to Epoxy

    Fellas, It's been awhile, but I am back to the pirogue. When I left, the pirogue was assembled and I was about to filet. Well, it is at the same stage, but one seam did not take. Once that is patched, it is time to filet. One question. I have the regular old Raka hardener. Will it...
  2. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    One problem solved, Additional Advice Needed Well, the wife issue resolved itself. I helped with her project and we got it done in a day or so. BTW, snake thing would not have bothered her as she is a former member of the Ohio Herpetological Society. And before we go commenting on any names...
  3. M

    From Beginner to Expert

    I cannot get google or babel-fish to translate this site, when did it stop being in english. Mudd
  4. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    Revenge of the Wife Tonight I came home from work, expecting to fix my faulty pirogue seams. I walked out to my garage and found the following- She has disassembled a piece of furniture and is painting the...
  5. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    Nothing serious came up, just the same ol' stuff; work got busy, went on a family vacation, the house, the yard, some existential ennui. All those things that can interfere with the highest and best things in life like good coffee, pirogue building and finding the perfect horseradish sauce for...
  6. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    and the beat goes on (update and a question) Well, life intruded and it took awhile to get back on track. I did not realize it, but it has been about two months since I started. Progress, slow but sure, continues. Also, I have a question. Here are pictures with the bottom attached. I...
  7. M

    She takes a very SEXY shape!!!

    Tyer, Wow, that looks great. It is almost enough to make me just turn those pieces of epoxyed wood in my garage into a big bonfire. My only way of coping is to take solace in the fact that you must have OCD and therefore you are to be pitied for those amazing boat building skills. I also...
  8. M

    finished at last, and it floats...

    One or two ? I think there are two. One they sit in and paddle and one they just take for strolls on a leash.
  9. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    Cockeyed Well, its not just the boat that's cockeyed, but the pictures as well. 6HP pirogue if I keep the mower, may take her over 45 lbs though so I am reconsidering. After all those clean shop/garage photos I just had to show what its like to build in a 1 and 1/3 car garage with 4 bikes...
  10. M

    A bit cockeyed, but I like her

    Well, you can see that one set of ribs is a little off, but she's coming along. I am butt joining the bottom pieces tonight and hope to attach it this weekend. Thanks for the advice to date, its a big help. Mudd
  11. M

    Which comes first, Epoxy saturation or filets for the seams

    I hope to attach rails and put the bottom on this weekend. After that, do I cover the entire boat in a coat of epoxy and then do the epoxy/wood flour filets or do I filet first then epoxy. Also, should I epoxy the inside first or the outside? Any input appreciated. Right now, with...
  12. M

    Can I use 1/2 ply for a UJ Bottom?

    I ordered the 1/4 inch ply today.
  13. M

    Can I use 1/2 ply for a UJ Bottom?

    After buying a UJ kit about 18 months ago, I decided it was finally time to build it. So far I have assembled the ribs with gussets, cut and scarfed the sides and this week I hope to attach the sides to the stems and the ribs. I am using 4 ribs. The side are 1/4 inch ply, but I bought 1/2...