a rock and a hard place | SouthernPaddler.com

a rock and a hard place


Well-Known Member

If the back is a recurring thing there are a few things to make it a little easier , a inversion machine has been invaluable to me , I couldn't live with out mine , also a long handle shoe horn is a must , mine is about 3 ft long , I use it to put my shoes on and also to help put my jocks and trousers on , a shower rose on a long hose in the shower is extremely handy as if your like me you will find some thing simple like the wiping of the ring gear is some thing that can only be dreamed of , getting stuck into the glenfiddich can be problematic as a little too much can lead to falling down and making things worse , been there , done that , a few Panadol forte and some Valium would be better , hot packs help , those bloody bone crackers will cripple you , you might also try MSM [ Methylsulfonylmethane ] , I've been on it for about a week and have been getting relief


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A friend of mine (of the attractive, female persuasion) had a pinched nerve in an elbow, causing tingling and numbness. Many trips to docs and physical rehab until the rehab folks told her, "There's nothing more we can do." She was at a chiropractor for something else, got fixed, and he asked if there was anything more. "Yes, but you probably can't fix it. A nerve pinched in this elbow." Massage, bend "CLICK". It's all better now, she says.

All practitioners have limitations, and areas of success.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
I'd endorse trying a massage treatment.
I've had a back problem since I was about 20. I was working on a golf course and we'd gone out with the tractor and a high flat bed trailer to collect the bench seats from around the course to bring them in to repaint. They were sort of a heavy concrete base with wood slat seat. I was riding on the trailer with about five of them stacked on board. Tractor and trailer rounds a bend too fast and the seats start to tumble. I grabbed hold of the nearest one and tried to stop them going over the side....Dumb Dumb Dumb! Of course, I couldn't and ended up going with them.
Compressed 4th and 5th vertibrea was the result. Apart from the initial 2 weeks off work, it didn't effect me that much until I was a bit older when the misalignment and compression began regularly pinching the sciatic nerve. Years of greens keeping work contributed too, of course.
Anyway, The worst bout of sciatica happened about 12 years ago. within the space of a few hours I went from fit and able to barely being able to walk.....or sit....or lie down for more than a few minutes at a time. I went to the doc and started on anti inflammatory pills with no effect, went to chiropractor.....no joy there either. After being off work for 6 weeks, the doc said there was nothing left to try short of surgery....or that I'd just have to stop working and live with it....... "Stuff that" I thought!......of words to that effect :D
A friend suggested I try acupuncture and recommended a Chinese Medicine clinic nearby. I went along and the practitioner said the acupuncture could help with the pain short term but would not fix the cause.....but that he thought he could move the vertibrea away from the nerve with massage.
He massaged for relaxation and pain relief for about half an hour until I was all loose like a big fat goose....and then he started working really forcefully along my spine. After a few minute I actually felt the vertibrea move upward. Afterward he said I'd be quite sore and stiff for about 12 hours but that the pain would fade and in about 48 hours I'd be pain free. He was right! I was back at work 2 days later :D
These days I still have occasional problems but nothing crippling and whenever I feel a twinge in the back or down the rump and leg, I get myself to this bloke and so far it's always done the trick :D
Obviously the success of this sort of treatment will depend on what the source of the problem is....but in my case it's been brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I have had back problems and at times they layed me up. Went to the regular Doc and after all the medication it was no better. So after a lot of suggestions ( Bitching , nagging and just flat out telling me ) from the wife I went to a bone cruncher.

Two visits and some ice packs on my back after the treatment the problem was gone. It's no fun listing to the bones click back in place but it sure does feel better after they do.

The ice packs are to reduce the inflammation from the injury. Now days I go in every 3 to 4 months for an adjustment just to make sure thinks are working like they should. I guess the wife is worse then me since she has a standing appointment or it might be that she just likes the Doc , he is a real cool/likable person and there is no way to not like him , or his son who is a Doc and shares the family practice.

We go with the old adage that ..... A Ounce of Prevention Beats a Pound of Cure. :D

PS. Getting older and falling apart is an education. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I find a "Chateau De Cardboard" Dago Red and a fine Seegar works wonders! Not those dog turds Jack lights up! :roll: At least the Dago Red is good for the heart and the Seegar keeps skeeters away........ Back problems are a different story. Real tough and hard to ease the pain... I figure it's as bad as a wimmen hav'n baby pain if not worse.

PS: If yer check'n on me tonight Jack.... I'm in Nawth Caroliny...... Might make it home tomorrow.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Dear Yakus Obliviosicus, I hope your trip to (some suthrin third world state) is enjoyable. While I'm glad you enjoy a seegar, I'm sorely disappointed to hear you knock my choice of el Ropo brand. (I remember an evening in Memphis) Though not soaked in rum (like you) they were at least dipped in high class dog urine (like me.) Chateau de Cardboard vino still reeks, and I still enjoy it too.

When getting a spine aligned, we always have to check magnetic deviation so things will line up with the aurora borealis.


Well-Known Member
johno, sounds pretty quiet from your end. Are you feeling any better? Getting old ain't for sissies, wait till the Doc's start replacing parts. Let us know so we can leave you on, or take you off, the prayer list. God's busy enough without getting needless requests to help dusty Aussies who have it all under control. :D :D



Well-Known Member

I damaged a couple of vertebrae in my second week of working at 15 , I then worked another 15 years of hard heavy work until the back then got so bad no one would employ me full time , I then worked either part time or for my self , mainly for my self , the last few years my back has been so bad it's severely cut into my hunting fishing and kayaking even with maximum doses of pain killers I suffered from chronic pain for over 20 years and have the cracked chewing teeth to prove it , or the ones I still have left but recently I've been using a supplement known as MSM

I've been taking this stuff for about a month and am having the first relief from severe pain that i've had in years

These pages may be more reliant to Australia but it's available in the USA as well


