Another Pirogue builder here! |

Another Pirogue builder here!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2007
Central Florida
Finally got my membership activated and not a moment to soon. I order my first boat building kit from UJ's yesterday and started making the chair/seat for it last night.

Been reading all the postings I can about building the thing and it is a bit overwhelming but I think I can tackle it alright.

I am sure I will have a ton of questions and will do a search for most but those I can't find I will ask.

So thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Welcome to the nut house , or as some folks like to say the southernpaddler family or coffee house , your choice , we always need a few more. :lol:

I am glad you like the idea of the chair , that is one reason I designed/made it. It does work really well with a pirogue as far as offering a lot of comfort while paddling.

If you have any questions and can't locate the answers in the forum then ask away and I am sure you will have more answers then you asked for but that is why we are here. Our job is to totally confuse you and then your job is to figure out what way you want to go.

Just remember the pirogue is nothing more then some wood , epoxy and fiberglass which you put together the way you want it , not the way we like ours. This is why our boats reflect our desires and yours will be a custom ,hand made , one reflecting your likes or desires. Something you will never be able to purchase off the showroom shelf with a mass produced boat. :D

If you have not noticed we do have a lot of fun on here and that is the main idea , build some good boats and have fun doing it. We try to make it so you leave the stress at work. Not saying we don't cause some but ours is the fun type. :lol:

After your build then stay with us and help the folks with questions , a lot of the members do just that. This web site is nothing more the folks helping folks , something new in the way people think today but worked really good in the old days.

I get to pay for the web site and maintain it but it is each member on here who makes it as great as it is , without all of you folks , your comments , your ideas , your remarks , your thoughts , your help and picking on Jack we would be nothing but boring , besides I need all the help I can get in picking on him.:oops:

PS. Just a reminder to everyone , since I know you will be reading this.......Profanity will get you a really nasty e-mail from me and your post going into cyberspace you can bet your epoxy and sawdust on that. This is a family forum. :D
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Welcome aboard, TG. Join up w/ Chuck if you like. So far he has about 300 on his side against just only me - and he's still outnumbered.

Building and paddling your own boat is the second and third most fun things to do in the whole world.

Let us know more4 about you - interests and occupation. Helps us to know who to ask what. Again - welcome aboard.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Don't worry TG someone will hijack this thread under the guy's of helping you out. But as I'm sure you've read there is plenty of that to go around here and B.S. deep enough at times to float your PEEEE-UUUU I mean ROW in! :shock:

Welcome my friend! :wink:


Oh I almost forgot if you don't like GRITS don't tell anyone here they might call ya a funny name like yankee or sumthin even worse!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2007
Central Florida
:D Yep already got the waders on for wading around in this forum!

I have the seat about half way done and I should be able to finish it by the time I start the boat.

Got to go tie some flies for a swap so I'll chat later 8)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
TradGlenn said:
:D Yep already got the waders on for wading around in this forum!
Truthful Jack,

We must have a spy? :lol:

welcome Glenn

I was sitting on a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos the other day when Robert Tilton came on TV. He's a televangelist out of Dallas. He looked at me and said, "Are you lonely?" Yeah. "Have you spent half your life in bars pursuing sins of the flesh?" This guy's good! "Are you sitting in a bean bag chair naked eating Cheetos?"... Yes, sir! "Do you have the urge to get up and send me a thousand dollars?" Ha, ha close! I thought he was talking about me there for a second! Ron White


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Glen and welcome aboard from this side of the drain. :D

I promise to be good and try not to hijack this one. :oops:

Nah, just kidding. :lol:

I reckon the UJ pirogue would have to be just about the most popular home built boat around. There seems to be an awefull lot of em around.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
hairymick said:
I reckon the UJ pirogue would have to be just about the most popular home built boat around. There seems to be an awefull lot of em around.

Six months ago, I coudn't spell I'm finishing up a second one and might be starting JEM's Touring Pirogue soon....Maybe a Yak after that...Welcome aboard T-Glenn! You can get alot of help here with your boat. Chuck held my hand thru the first one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
The UJ Pirogue really is a beautiful craft.

We built one last year where I work but the project came to a screaming halt before it could be fibreglassed.

The shop where I work, is a multi-million dollar,state of the art facility and "my" little pirogue hold pride of place in it. :D

Allmost every visitor who calls in makes a "B" line for it and wants to know all about it. Even my manager now would seem to be a source of knowledge on UJ Pirogues and is very willing to share "his" knowledge on all things pirogue with some of our distinguished visitors. :lol:

Only today, a colleage asked me if I would build her one.

I build boats for fun. if I started building them for others it would become w..w..w. what is that word again? Anyway, I hate doing that W' stuff.

When I explained this to her and told her that if she bought the plans off Uncle John, or plans for something similar off Matt, I would be only too happy to help her and her husband throw one together, she seemed satisfied with that. Time will tell.

If a lovely young lady called Yael registers here you will know hairy sent her. She is good people. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
hairymick said:
If a lovely young lady called Yael registers here you will know hairy sent her. She is good people. :D

"Come into my web", said the spider to the fly...

Lordy knows we can use all the good people we can get on here......


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
oldyaker said:
Chuck held my hand thru the first one.
Friend oldyaker,

Ya'll really did git close on that Neverglades Expedishun. 8) 8) 8)


ps caint spell pirougue.....yer a reglar Charlie Prose! :mrgreen:

Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Boy ya'll did take this off topic...
You'll get used to it! :lol:

I just started my first Pirogue build, too. And I took a peak at your profile. Another fly-tying fly fisherman, who happens to be located in Central Florida!!

What a co-inkydink! :D

Where 'bouts are you? I'm over on the coast, in Spring Hill, FL, in the NW corner of Pasco County. Once we get these boats in the water, might want to see about getting together and do a little fishing trip.

You mostly a fresh water type, or do you fly fish in the salt?

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL