Being prepared (meat) |

Being prepared (meat)

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
For the last few years I have really come to realize how important having a water supply, and a food supply is.Katrina and Ike left some of my friends pretty well up in the air as far as electricity water and sewer were concerned. Now with the big black outs up north, in india, here in the south . It has me really understanding how important being prepared is. No utilitys means in a short time refrigeration of food will be gone,food is trucked an average of 1400 miles to get to the retailer and there isnt but a 2 to 3 day supply of groceries in most stores.
Ok here is where I would like some help.
I would like to start with meats you dont have to refrigerate .
I have these.
Viennese in a big can
found some small canned hams that were really good Dutch is the brand name
corn beef hash
beef stew
canned chicken
Now I dont want to start a discussion over quality or likes and dislikes, in a disaster we would all eat things that were not on our healthy food list.
As yall list additional items I will add them to this list.
Thanks Ron
After we get this going I will start some more threads for other needs


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
Re: Being prepared

Many people of the poorer nations subsist on a diet primarily of beans and rice. (Legumes and a starch). Add to that dry milk powder. That is what I would use as a basis for an emergency food cache.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
we will get to those but right now I am trying to get a list of cheap no refrigeration meats that are locally available.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
You can jerk or dehydrate meat but the shelf isnt comparable to canned meats .
But if there is time this is a good suggestion.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Eat some jerked meat every outing. Replacing it periodically. Alton Brown demonstrated, and I've done it successfully, how to jerk meat with just a fan and drying racks. Ambient air, no heat. You can then smoke it.

Or, buy Jack Links. It stores a long time, (if someone doesn't snitch it.) :wink:

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
With the list that is up right now,2 cans of each item would cover 30 days for two with no problem .
If you come up with something else just let me know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
We have a pretty good supply of things. Top on the list(as per Gay's Edict) cases of powdered eggs, untold bags of vacuum packed flour, cornmeal,and powdered milk. She says that ya just ain't living if you can't eat cornbread. With all the vacuum packing I have done I have learned one valuable lesson. Do not vacuum pack egg noodles. You would be suprised how small a package it will suck down to. Sounds like popcorn popping. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Most of the guys I know mainly just use what ever canned meat they can find with canned ham and spam the most favorite except in the southern states where some have a preference for vienna sausage , now having tried some of that recently because of reading about them on this and another site [ just for science you understand ] I really can't see why , must be another of those southern things like Black eyed peas , just a acquired taste , some of the guys reckoned they liked tinned turkey , which doesn't sound good either ,

One guy just reckoned he has about 100 tins of spam put away and there is enough varieties to keep him happy , don't know about that as I've never tried it , , of course on that particular post that started off a whole pile of monty python posts

Many of the guys don't bother with meat and just store dried beans , lintels and rice



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
They aren't meats but like Jack said , Beans and Rice work really good and will last a long time. Toss in some dehydrated onions for added flavor.

Something else that lasts for a long time is any of the dried pastas. We use to joke about the pastas when rotating goods at the grocery store. The way we looked at pasta is there is no need to rotate it on the shelf since it lasts longer then most marriages.

Any of the above items can be used to stretch out ( use less ) the meats you have since they act as a filler or complement ( or side dish ) to the meats. A little ham with the beans and rice always makes a good meal.

Another standby is Peanut Butter , it is a good protein and also supplies the fat the body needs for energy. The old fashion peanut butter and jam sandwich is always a winner and a good meal or snack.


Well-Known Member
When out camping and shooting or fishing on the last night we always sort of ended up with the same sort of stuff , some dried beans or tin of baked beans , couple of packets of curry and rice soup , pack of dried peas , dried mashed potato , 2 minute noodles , tin of bully beef , and maybe a rabbit or two or some fish or crab , would cook it all together and add some chili powder and some Tabasco and black pepper and a feast fit for a king [ if he was hungry enough ] washed down well with some beer and rum or maybe a nice dry white


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I sat down with the list of meats and two cans of each would feed two folks for 45 days no scrimping and over two months with a little planning.
So I feel pretty good about that part of the plan.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
dawallace45 said:
When out camping and shooting or fishing on the last night we always sort of ended up with the same sort of stuff , some dried beans or tin of baked beans , couple of packets of curry and rice soup , pack of dried peas , dried mashed potato , 2 minute noodles , tin of bully beef , and maybe a rabbit or two or some fish or crab , would cook it all together and add some chili powder and some Tabasco and black pepper and a feast fit for a king [ if he was hungry enough ] washed down well with some beer and rum or maybe a nice dry white


The dry white is the key.