campin' along the river |

campin' along the river

How many nights do ya'll spend campin' on the river bank frum a boat...each year?

  • less than 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • more'n 20

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I reckon ya kin drive ta the riverbank 'n set up camp, but I wondered how many times the fellas on here tote their gear in a boat 'n camp on the bank....but then I figger ya already knew that. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
I reckon ya kin drive ta the riverbank 'n set up camp, but I wondered how many times the fellas on here tote their gear in a boat 'n camp on the bank....but then I figger ya already knew that. :wink:

Who Me????

I don't know nothin , no sir , nothin and that is my story and I'm sticking to it. Even if I do hike down to the river at times ( the Florida Trail) and camp without a boat but it is camping on the river bank , OK , a short distance back from it as to not spoil the trip for the paddlers but I can see the river they just can't see me. :D



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Caint git over that pichur of Mick, huh? :roll: :roll:

I did not mean riverbank campin' CEPT frum a boat....hikin' down there dont count. Ya ruint my poll. I dont go round messin' up yer polls. Wuz it piper 'n that honey taunt? Wuz it Jack with the cereal? Nevermind. I know what it wuz........too many donuts 'n not enuff campfire smoke. :lol:

I reckon that we kin ignore one "20+" answer. Next time I run a poll, ya better not mess it up. I mite fill yer peee rew with grits. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Why dontcha git on outta here, go hang yer hammock at that campground 'n wait on the rest of the fellas ta show up? Ya overfished this hole. 8) 8) 8) :lol:


Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise.  Heraclitus


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Why threaten to sink my pee-you with yeller grits , ya know I like the white ones. OK.. Forget I asked that , I see your reasoning at this time.
Besides you have a new fish on the line , someone who does not use the river bank that much.

Now don't forget this is coming up to an election year and all parties expect .. NO ..... FORGET THAT .... DEMAND.... Equal time , especially the hikers if they are willing to come out of there closet and admit to it in public on a boat building and paddling web site.

Now remember , since most of us build our boats for our fun and are on this web site it could be taken for granted that we do camp out of the boats most of the time , sometimes we cheat and even use public campgrounds , unlike some folks on here from Mississippi. Some of us are honest and explain there actions when out camping , this removes any questions so everyone knows where the person stands or in this case camps and how the do , do it at times.

I will address that problem in the next paragraph , not even saying anything about the plastic , Tupperware Boat , paddlers and word merchants ( Folks a word Merchant is what we call a lawyer here in the south) who run out of adjectives to describe things when posting anything or sending e-mails.:lol:

OK ... OK .. So you are discriminating against the occasional hiker who when they have there heads screwed on the wrong way ... an would or should be paddle.
Sometimes we just want to get away and it is easier to hike into the river then to paddle up there to the preferred campsite. Heck you camp by a little river at the Lost Minds but never paddle or fish it , even with the white water and all the trout in it. :p

Here is picture proof of the white water and trout filled stream at Lost Minds that Bear has never paddled or waded down.

The discrimination my friend will get all sorts of legal beagles on your back , like ticks on a swamp hog. :p , not a good thing fer ya.

PS. Sign up here for the Discrimination action against Bear. Or better yet , just vote in the poll since I forgot to list a sign on sheet. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
I voted less than five.

Robin and I are working on rectifying that ASAP.

In fact, we are doing a little recce today on a creek we haven't paddled together before.

This week-end we will be going to a new river ( for us) staying in a park this time, but checking out the possibilities while there.

We used to do a lot of boat camping but somehow, other things have got in the way. Not any more.

We both very keen hikers too, but to carry all ya gear on ya back just to go cmping in the bush holds little appeal for us.( a bit like portaging) :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
hairymick said:
This week-end we will be going to a new river ( for us) staying in a park this time, but checking out the possibilities while there.

We both very keen hikers too, but to carry all ya gear on ya back just to go cmping in the bush holds little appeal for us.( a bit like portaging) :p

MIck ....
Ya are doing the Bear camping , in parks with all the facilities , this I can understand with your lovely bride along , she needs some of the creature comforts at this time , good for you.

Then we have some folks on here that hit the wild and woolly woods for a camping and paddling trip .... Yep they are paddling and camping down some river but can walk into town for supper , burgers and even ice cream cones ..... Even camp in modern campsites during the trip , the modern , designated campsites , running water , flushing toilets , showers and all the normal stuff , even telephones and street lights.

Grant you they are paddling and river bank camping but who is camping more in the wilderness them or the person miles away from the creature comforts that hiked in to there area to enjoy the river. ( I had to get hiking in there)

Like Mick and Robin ... This weekend I will be ( civilized not wilderness ) camping in a designated spot ( I have to pay for at a campground ) according the the camp ground owner , in a small pop up that has a porta potty so there are no midnight runs to the outhouse along with a rechargeable fan if the wind does not blow during the night. Heck there are even showers available , flushing toilets and street lights , or should be. No matter I am self contained even have a telephone to call out for a delivery pizza.
If I really get lazy and don't want to dial the phone then hop in the Jeep and off to a restaurant or a fast food joint. That is the fun of camping , different styles but no matter which one you chose they are all fun. Bear taught me that.:wink:

"O" I will be camping by a river ( a short walk to view it ) no boat to paddle , load and unload but all of the fun , not even any hiking to enjoy it .:lol: :lol: :lol:
Have a beef roast in the oven with taters , celery , onions , garlic and carrots for supper tonight , I have to get it out the boss will be home and hungry.

PS... I'm in some deep do do now. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Other than paddlin' with some fine (tho often ornery) geezers, the main thing I look fer when I pitch a tent iz not bein' able ta hear a combustion engine. I kin handle near bout everthin' else.

I dont recall sleepin' under no street lite, but I got nuthin' agin a flush toilet.....long az I dont have ta share it with a heap a noisey folks who listen ta Sweet Home Alabama all nite long. I like a campin' spot off the reglar path, somewhere barbarians caint drive, but once the sun sets 'n we build a fire, any quiet spot in the woods iz good fer my the Ocala Nationalized Forest 'er a pasture out behind the High Sheriff's house not too far frum Rat long az the barbarians aint too rowdy that nite. :wink:


I have always considered that the substitution of the internal combustion engine or the horse marked a very gloomy milestone in the progress of mankind.  Winston Churchill

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bear, you have a confusing question there. If you mean how many nights do we paddle out and camp by the water, that is different than camping by a river. I have 11 nights by a river; 5 in between "High Tide" Chuck and a blue, plastic outhouse in the Gulf Of Mexico; and 5 by a Canadian lake.

If Chuck were planning a river trip, we would leave the cars at a put in, paddle upstream every day, then at the end paddle another 20 miles upstream to where he'd arranged to have the cars waiting - with empty fuel tanks. He cooks OK, but if he volunteers to arrange your trip, you better use the old "I gotta sort out my sock drawer" ploy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Jack,

I reckon this shows why nobody ought ta pay no attention ta a poll. :lol:

I really did want ta know bout folks paddlin' down a river, totin' all their gear in the boat, not drivin' a car 'er hikin' ta a spot on the bank. I left oceans 'n lakes off cuz paddlin' ta a base camp with sides trips iz different. I reckon paddlin' on a lake where ya move frum camp ta camp iz purty much the same az river paddlin'....same with movin' along the shore 'er paddlin' ta islands in the ocean.

Mebbe the next poll will be lakes, swamps 'n oceans.....where ya move frum site ta site? Mebbe I will do anuther poll on campin' without a boat? Rite now I am kinda poled out. :wink:


Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Friend Bear, :D

I really did want ta know bout folks paddlin' down a river, totin' all their gear in the boat, not drivin' a car 'er hikin' ta a spot on the bank. I left oceans 'n lakes off cuz paddlin' ta a base camp with sides trips iz different. I reckon paddlin' on a lake where ya move frum camp ta camp iz purty much the same az river paddlin'....same with movin' along the shore 'er paddlin' ta islands in the ocean

I thought that might have been what you were talking about mate.

Robin and I are in the process of gearing up to re-start our camping. We did a little recce day paddle yesterday checking out one of our less known and I think, under-rated creek systems. - Poona, about 20 miles south of Maryborough, and the upper reaches are hardly ever visited by the stink boat mob.

We found some likely prospects - here are a couple of them.

Geezers were allready at this one. :D


Bit further up stream. (couple of miles)


"nutha one :D


And another one, about 5 miles up. :D


Apart from the first one, I don't think there is vehicle access and the last four would be very difficult to reach in a stink boat. There are no facilities at any of them and are part of the Poona area National Park.

Genuine wilderness campsites, within 20 miles of a major regional town, yet seemingly visited by very few. :D We spent all day on the water, paddled the length of the creek and didn't see one other boat. I think we might be spending a fair bit of time here. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mick,

What nice lookin' campin' spots! That iz what I wuz tryin' ta ask. I had the feelin' we all do more wishin' than campin'. I know it iz hard on the workin' class, but jest cuz ya drew yer last paycheck dont mean it iz eazy ta spend a lot more time campin' frum yer canoe. Roundin' up geezers fer a expedishun iz a heap worse'n herdin' cats. [I kin paddle by myownself near bout any time I want, but while I need ta do that ever now 'n then, it jest dont stack up agin a ornery geezer expedishun.]

Do ya'll use hammocks 'er tents?


It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.  H. L. Mencken


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005

Amen to finding a place with no combustion engine noise. You can imagine my surprise a couple of years ago some friends of mine and I took our sons on a Suwannee River for a 3 day paddle. We're camping at Big Shoals thinking we were in the middle of nowhere when about half a dozen ATVs come driving by the much for the wilderness experience.....



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
Mr. Bear
I responded to your poll just cause I finally figured what you was askin. I camp out of my canoe/kayak on average over 10 under 100 times each year. This with the firm ruling I get Val blessing first. Latly I feel she is startin to like me bein on the river. HMMMMM may be not. Have a good time with your poll.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Lazyriverguy said:
Mr. Bear
I responded to your poll just cause I finally figured what you was askin. I camp out of my canoe/kayak on average over 10 under 100 times each year. This with the firm ruling I get Val blessing first. Latly I feel she is startin to like me bein on the river. HMMMMM may be not. Have a good time with your poll.

It is unfair that you voted in the pole , you live on the Ocklawaha River and run the outpost plus you are on or in the river every day , putting paddles on it for there fun , then out on it with moonlight paddling trips so everyone can have a good time.

Not even saying when Val ( your lovely and very smart ( fish catching ) bride ) wants some piece and quiet around the home site and she sort of forces you to do a overnight river trip on the river and camp in your Hennessey Hammock and 100 yard tarp over it. :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep I saw the pictures.

Folks if you have never been at the Ocklawaha Outpost then you have no idea of what I am saying and have missed out on a ton of fun.
Val ( the quiet one who sets everything up for you ) and her other half ... we will not go there , but if you ever go there then you will see why Val wants someone to spend a night on the river .... A LOT. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep .. Joe .. Pick on me and about towing folks ( OK , no problem as long as it is down stream) .... He he he , for some reason he goes by the handle of the lazyriverguy. So far I have not figured that handle out , he is moving around more then the Eveready Bunny with a double charge and jumper cables attached to his .... We will not go there. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2006
a overnight river trip on the river and camp in your Hennessey Hammock and 100 yard tarp over it. Yep I saw the pictures
I want to please porvide information on the 100 yd. tarp that indeed was over my Hennessey that you folks may have seen in my photos.
First It was only 85 yds.
Secondly it was a found item along the way.
Thirdly it was rainin like chuck was there.

Sorry I didn't meen to get off the subject line of this post but Chuck started it.
As for the Lazyriverguy thing.
On days when I go out for a paddle I am the last in line and the last into the landing. I am a firm beiliever of the post here earlier I can't remember where it was but it refered to chuck wantin to paddle 5 sometimes 7 miles in one day. Trying to show off. keep smilin it will just prove to Val you are nice people.