Crosman pump | Page 2 |

Crosman pump

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
coogzilla said:
I got some pearl white "nail paint" I painted the backside of the front
sight blade with. Works pretty good. Now I can see it. Thought about
doing the grips so they would look like pearl, but then I woke up.
Good thing you paused, Coogs. Even Gen'l Patton didn't have pearl handled grips.

"Only a PIMP would have pearl handles on his gun."


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Brother Bear,
No offense was taken. Nathan Demming was a blessing. I doubt that the Japaneese people has ever had an original thought in their history. But they can take anothers idea and do wonders with it. How do you think they came up with their first military rifles, or anything else for that matter. My Dad was not ashamed for what he done because that was what he was supposed to do. Wound up going for a swim when the Akagi went down at Midway though. Looks like thinga are a changing. How long is it gonna be before we start turning the other cheek time and time again. Beware of sheep in wolfs clothing. Or is that supposed to be idio--- o never mind.

PS, Yer Dad and Cooper done good. They did what they were supposed to do. Just wish the Cooper story could go on for a while longer. Sure did enjoy that story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Yer sayin' Wild Bill had a string of sportin' women? Well, I'll be danged. I knew he worked in a saloon, jest like sportin' women, but I never seen him wearin' gold necklaces 'n big rings. I do recall a pichur of him in a fur coat. I reckon there wuz good money in it back in them days......near bout az good az today. :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
A pimped out 1911 nickle with pearl grips still looks pretty.
My B3 showed up from southsummit and not being able to resist
trying it out, well I did. It works pretty good. One pump and a steel
dog food can's had it. 22 flat nosed pellets from wallyworld.
Can't really go shootin my Mosin in the back yard so this is still
quiet so no funny lookin cars pull up out front. 8)


(The dogs don't mind as long as the cans are empty)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
What did general Patton have against pimps, anyway? You'd think a man trying to make an honest living would get more respect.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
Same with "Ivory"?
Looks same color. I like grey parkerised with old fashion wood
grips. I like bluing, but here in Cali. it's outlawed, like everything
else. A couple years ago they tried to outlaw leaf blowers& BBQ's.
No workee. Can you imagine cops running around looking for
outlaw cooks with BBQ's? Or outlaw gardeners? We here have it
left to interpret the law at times. Is it utterly ridiculous? OK, yes!
Is john law nearby? NO! What to do? Does'nt matter, your most
likely breaking some other law you don't even know about. So who
gives a rats axx? Buy a police scanner. Listen to dispatch. If in doubt
of activitys. Oh, there still trying to outlaw fireplaces. As we watch
the southern pacific locos go by billowing tons of black smoke, it makes
ya wonder. Who's stupid or what?


(I can hijack the thread. It's mine)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA

Little B3. It's a stomper. Looks kinda inocent. 8)


Well-Known Member
coogz, looks just like mine. Not a really high end item, but for $25 it has been a lot of fun. I'm about to make a little hardwood "safety plug" on a string to drop into the loading zone when my fingers are in there, and flip it out before closing. I never liked the feeling of having my fingers in a vise and the potential for having them in this chamber is scary.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I must say that I am a gun nut. Of all the guns and pictures of guns that I have looked at in my life I have just witnessed something unique. Never before in my life have I ever saw pistons and rods used as a gunrack. That's got to be beyond redneck or something. :shock: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I am so jealous of his neat garage. I have no room on the floor to set anything else. If I tried to push anything out of the way it would cause an avalance. Started to clean it up the first of this year but got rocks in my head and that was the end of that. Scared to start cleaning on it again in fear that something else will happen to me. :roll:


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
Hey, alot of work went into that photografic experiance. I had to
move stuff around and even throw away some things I could'nt
figure out what they were? Well, then lighting, composure, camera
settings and some luck, If your me, come into play. Them pistons?
I took them all the way off the floor and even wiped them off a little.
There part of photo composure! Makes it more interesting.
Or silly. Ya never know.
