
Well-Known Member
Ron and I were talking the other day on hte phone and got to talking about what Susie does for a living. So, I thought I'd add a link to the company she works for on here.

What she and the people she works with do is analyze water samples from the very bayous, streams, creeks, rivers and lakes we paddle on. They are able to determine a particular waterways health by examining the microscopic critters they find in the samples they get. They find some funny looking critters with funny sounding and confused spelling words as names. . . everything from shrimplike little critters to funny faced worms and centipedes with funny looking sucker feet, most of the critters can only be seen by microscope. If they find the wrong critters, like leopard mussels, in the sample, they put out word to the state the water sample comes from that it is an unhealthy waterway. The right bugs. . .and it's a healthy waterway. . .
Sometimes talking to the people she works with things get to where I can't understand a single word but what they are doing is actually a pretty good thing and I think it is great someone is keeping an eye open for us. . .

The link is :

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Darned good thing she doesn't have to look at one of US under a microscope. That would be an unhinging sperience for the poor gal. And, lord knows, she has enough misery in her life already, what with some lanky redneck scruffing around her doorstep. (sigh)