freezing here this morning |

freezing here this morning


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
28 degrees, coldest in 40 years or so, rugged up like the Michelan man.

Poor old joints are on fire.

Bloody hell, just can't get warm. House is built for the tropics.

Not used to this chit man. :x


Well-Known Member

Know how you feel , was cold here yesterday too , not near as bad as your place , 10*C [ 50*F ] couldn't get any work done yesterday as joints too stiff , jammed my hand moving a cupboard in the shed and it hurt so bad with the arthritis I ended up having to apply hot packs and take pain killers , tried working with it a few hours later and some how managed to bash the same hand against the drill press , hand swole up like a bunch of bananas , swelling has gone down this morning but still a little stiff , can type today but not fast , gee arthritis is fun ,

Was cool out Longreach last week but at 5*C [ 41*F] it was quite comfortable weather to go hunting in



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Check it out :shock: :shock:


Dang that global coolin'

Not enough cow farts mate. :p

Had to get the fire going in the shed to warm it up a little (and my aching hands. (an many coffees) :D


Resin hadn't gone hard in 12 hours. Had to put it in the sun today.


Kieth, all our politicians are too spineless to blow much hot air mate.

Dave, sorry about your hand mate. Bloody mad met bureau reckons it was only -1 in Maryborough this morning. load of horseshit. The old thermometre on my back landing read 28f at 0700 and it was only about 10 feet from my fireplace!.

Maryborough is allways way colder in winter and hotter in summer than here.


Well-Known Member

It just shouldn't be this cold , after all we are sub tropical , the tropic runs just 200 km north of here , glad we don't have it near as cold as you , 3*C [ 37*F ] here this morning outside , so needless to say I'm still inside where it's warm , stuff the early morning walk , for some reason a early morning walk just isn't as much fun with out a daypack and rifle , or maybe a bow

I used to go hunting down Mitchell every winter , actually several times during the winter and it used to get bloody cold there , -6 C [ 20*F ] was pretty normal , the property I used to hunt on was always far colder than Mitchell it's self , I was down there when they recorded the coldest day on record for Mitchell it's self , the official reading was -9*C [ 15*F ] , I was staying at my mates new place , he had bought the old catholic church from Mungallala and moved it to his property down by the river [ dry ] , I was sleeping in two swags inside each other with two sleeping bags and every stitch of clothing I had out there with me and I was still cold , around first light I got sick of trying to sleep and just laying there freezing so got out and started walking around , mate had a bedroom in the little side room and it was slightly warmer , about the time he come out looking very hung over I looked at the thermometer on the wall and it read 0* , I said to the mate , bullshit , this thermometer is wrong , we get 0* all the time in winter and it's never near as cold as this , mate laughed and said , that is the original thermometer from the church , it's in Fahrenheit , too cold , about that time we decided that we needed a good hot cup of coffee , the inch of water in the kettle had frozen solid and we had to use a brick to knock a hole in the ice in the top of the tank to fill it up , after several cups of strong coffee liberally laced with rum we were feeling much better , I think the half bottle of rum between us had a fair bit to do with that ,

The temp eventually got up to 0*C that day but they reckoned that the wind chill dropped it about another 3 or 4* , just too bloody cold for me

Yep arthritis is fun , one of the things most people have to look forward to as they age , I think I get it from my Mum's side of the family , dad at 76 doesn't have it but mum has had it for years , I got it at 30 after a fun time with Ross River Fever , Q Fever and a few other viruses thrown into the mix , always fun having to run your hands under the hot tap before you can do simple things like hold a coffee cup with out dropping it , but by the same token it's far better to be in pain and alive than pain free and dead



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Richard,

That was a severe frost for here. Generally, we only get about 10 frosts per year in recent times. Ususally in bursts of two or three days and then things warm up a bit. :D I'm reall happy about that.

Will take some piccies tomorrow. The frost has knocked my bananas back a bit and some of the exotic, tropical fruit trees are hurting but they should all bounce back when things get warmer. Killed a bit of grass. Most of our ornamental shrubs are pretty hardy and they look fine. My citrus loved the cold snap and the last of the oranges are now as sweet as can be :D

With the cold snap, my girls used up a LOT of firewood and I went out yesterday to get more. Now the weather has turned really mild and I'm sitting here in a light shirt and shorts at 10pm and not cold at all.

Weather has gone bloody mad. August is usually the coldest month of the year for us. So far we probably have had about 2 1/2 weeks of winter but our met bureau is forcasting another cool snap for the week end.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Richard,

Sorry for the late reply mate, I forgot all about the piccies. Been a bit going on here lately.


Bananas will tolerate light frosts - or even heavy ones provided there are not to many of them. They allways seem to bounce back here OK anyway.

My bananas are what we call "Lady Fingers" small, very sweet and require minimal upkeep. I like that. :D

Here are a couple of piccies of the frost damage (taken yesterday) Winter here has finished and the weather is warming up nicely.

Strawberry mango tree (in flower) in the background 8)



Just wanted to show a new rose bed too 8) planted this winter. 8) I love me roses.8) Mulberry tree (in flower) and kaffir lime tree in background 8)


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Looks all nice and spiffy, Mick. Here, mulberry trees get a bit messy as the berries drop. I've eaten a fair share of them off trees, but birds are faster than me. Then, they poop purple all over everything. And, if the berries are fermented, they birds fly all ziggy-zaggy for a while.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Jack, LOl,

The birds here get way more of the fruit than we do (except the citrus which they don't seem interested in)

I don't at all mind sharing with them, as long as we get some. :D

Re eating the fermented fruit, Yeah we see that a lot when the mangoes are in season. Mad bloody parrots land in the tree, get drunk on the rotten fruit, fall out of it and fight on the ground. Funniest thing to watch. :D