Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke. | Page 3 | SouthernPaddler.com

Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
JEM said:
Things are getting back to the way they should be .... that means Chuck will be taking his annual spring bath soon! :D

Not till Ms Karen is OK and shaves ole bears beard off , I want to see what he really looks like , maybe not.
I might be asking for more then I want to chew at the time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

In the mean time I will be saving water and helping to save the endangered soap that is required in taking a bath , "Or" so I have been told by unreliable sources , some wasteful folks do use soap , I think. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
It iz a good thing we dont carry no insurance up at the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic. If we did, Miz Bear mite git a ambulance chasin' lawyer 'n come after me. These big city doctors kept askin' if she wuz allergic. That iz a mitey hard question ta answer. I forgot the codeine. She tole me she caint take it, but I plum fergot. A few days ago they tole me they gave her some. I got scairt. I tole 'em I recalled she didnt take to it very well. She overheard that 'n I gotta eat standin' up fer a while.

The bad time yesterday may have been the codeine. Without tellin' me, they stopped it. Now she iz hurtin' bad, but dont see no more spiders and "floaty" things on the ceiling.

Permanent shunt Wed. Other than pain in her neck 'n back, her mind aint no worse than before....she even begun ta recall a few things frum the day before. I hate ta feel good, cuz ever time I do, the dang roller coaster takes off downhill, but I figger the worst ahead iz how many more ass chewings I git fer that codeine. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Mick, I need a uppercut....a big one.


Ole Sam, he used me bad. I aint really hiz anyway. He jest traded some skunk pelts for me. Janie


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
swamprat said:
Have ya snuck Roscoe in to see Miz Karen yet? Twilla? :lol:
Friend Brad,

I sent Lance an email askin' him ta go by the house, clean the cat potty, brush their hair so it wont git all over hiz pickup, load up the cat potty 'n bring 'em down here ta visit. I asked if he would stop off ta git some cat food 'n the barbecue sauce Roscoe likes on his. Then I used some boat science....purty dang thick. I'm waitin' fer hiz reply. I aim ta see how many hard words Lance knows. I wont post it on here....cuz of the little pards.


Cognito, ergo sunk. Unknown


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I believe it was today I got a couple emails at the hangar....didn't notice time sent......nothing about Karen....just usual Geezer message traffic.


Well-Known Member
swamprat, trust me on this one...GEEZERHOOD is not catching. You can visit here, converse with everyone and not be a geezer when you leave, till it's time to be a geezer.

I understand, though, I think there are lots of fellows watching this space now.

We're all still pulling for Karen and you...good thoughts headed your way, as usual.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mick,

The doctor aint sho bout the shunt. He felt she wuz doin' okay 'n mebbe dont even need one.....but evertime I send out good news, she haz a bad spell. This iz day 10 in bed. She caint walk yet 'n hurts somethin' fierce. They dont let ya give whiskey ta the injuns here....besides she dont care fer it. Hard ta treat city folks 'n injuns.

They clamped the skull drains off. One 2 'er 3 days back, then the other one a day later.....been watchin' ta see how she does. Her left leg aint movin' too good, but she kin raize it.

They gotta pull the drains 'er put in a shunt.....timeline fer infection iz rite on us. I got $.03 sez they make that call today.


If it weren't for pickpockets, I'd have no sex life at all. Rodney Dangerfield


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Bear,

Thanks for taking the time to answer mate. Much appreciated.

Can somebody tell me what a shunt is please? I have never heard the term.

Please pass on Robin's and my best wishes.

still prayin here.



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2006
Co.Durham England
Hello bro bear
Havent been around these parts for a while,please give
Our Love to Your Wife and Family.
Your in Our thoughts and prayers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Curious Friend Mick,

It iz a tube that they stick in yer brain that goes down the outside of the skull (inside the skin) behind the ear 'n down inta yer belly where the fluid drains off like homemade whiskey. Dont worry tho, the city doctor jest took the drain tubes outta her head a few minutes ago. He didnt see no need fer a shunt. He learns quick. We may even let him come up ta the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic fer some baked possum, sippin' whiskey 'n a heap a high medikle talk.

In a little while we will be climbin' the stairs back up ta the Neuro ICU ta make sho they done a good job on her head. She mite be a bit wore out. Her mind haz been slidin' some the last two days. This afternoon we tole 'em it wuz time ta fish 'er cut bait. They will likely keep a close eye on her fer a day....mebbe two, then inta a reglar room. After that comes rehab. They seem ta want her inside a rehab house. I am fer home, but we kin hash that out a few days down the road.

I thank ya'll agin fer thinkin' bout us.

Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise. Heraclitus