Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke. | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Latest Update from Bills brother .. Doc Jim.

They took the tube out of her throat this morning. By 11 am when I went in the room, she was fussing at Bubba Bill for ice, because her mouth was dry. She looks like hell...front part of her scalp shaved and two tubes draining blood out of the center spaces in her brain, but the bleeding appears controlled if not stopped.

She smiled a little. Her recent memory is shit, but she's remembered she saw a rhematologist once, but she couldn't remember their name. She wanted to know what was wrong with her and didn't know the story, which I explained. She moved her fingers and toes. The main neurological problem now is double vision, I fear meaning she is also going to have vertigo, at least for awhile.

Folks...it gave me honest to God goose bumps. The technology. The kindness of the hospital personnel. The competence of the medical staff. The miracles of what they just did to Karen.

Karen may up and die suddenly still. Bill was warned that it DOES happen, even as much progress as she's made. We have to go with that for now, but for my 25 cents, Bill will have her washing windows and mowing the yard by May.

Bill dotes on that woman. He didn't confess to ever crying or even tears, though. We'll have to drill him more intensively later, get the whole truth. I never cried after my beloved Father died, but just to see what I saw today, knowing what I know...I swear my eyes filled with water once...no twice. It wasn't out of joy or sadness, though. I think I would have to call it awe. Some things we take for granted today ... I swear ... I don't know how to say it. DO WE REALIZE what we have before us?

The awe. How can humanity have become so miraculous!?

Anyway, Philip (younger brother, the farmer), Mom and I stayed for noon meal. Bill even payed. That tells you how good he's feeling about it all right now. Also, he still hasn't slept much. He may be punch drunk. Philip suggested we stay for supper, too. I'm home now, but I still feel like I've just landed the space shuttle...successfully.

"Oh, what a brave new world that hath such people in't."

I'm taking the dogs out in the yard now with a beer or two. It's Miller Time.


PS: There is picture of the Pope down in the lobby of the very beautiful hospital. I told Bill if he go each day in front of the nuns and kiss his robe, they'd give him a discount on his medical bill. I won't repeat his comment. Crusty old bastard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
From William(Bearridge)......Even in hard times he still tells a good story.

The Nun came in at a particularly dark time. She wanted to correct an oversight on the admission forms when I didn't declare "religion". I told her it was intentional. She looked puzzled. I told her we believe in God, but no religion. I said "Deist". She asked if she could pray. I told her that she was welcome to pray, that I would not turn any prayer down. We held hands and she did a fine job.

Later an old friend who runs the local soup kitchen came down. He left the atty gen's office and became an Episcopal priest. I had run the young girl the hometown Episcopal priest sent to comfort me. I told her I didn't need her, thanked her politely and told her to tell Frank (the ex-lawyer/now priest/soup kitchen chef) hi.

As I was typing this email, the nun came by. I told her that was some damn fine praying, and that she was welcome to drop by and pray as much as she liked. She wanted to know if I had the new Macbook.

I'm going in for the 10-11 visit in a few minutes. I am hoping for more coherence than Jim reported yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon was not very satisfying.

I thank each and every one of you for your concern. I guess you can see why I can't do without my brothers either. My Mother is the matriarch. Without her we have no class.

I will call Jim or perhaps send an email when I get a chance.




Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
The latest has Karen seeming to improve but a long road still seems to be ahead. Bear seems to be in better spirits reading his email.

If any of you have a desire to send him an email wishing he and Karen well, I believe he would appreciate it. He has his computer with him and is staying with his daughter in between spending many hours at the hospital.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
SAT PM from Doc Jim.

Bill's call an hour ago, about 3 pm Sat, he said Karen was talking about some things she'd ordered on Ebay and coherently. Not completely out of the clear yet, we understand, but such a display of cerebral competence is clearly an indication of good things to come. I've had to do a lot of research for Bubba Bill on the condition, things I definitely didn't know. This is the 4th day after the stroke. The danger zone is from day 3 to day 10 or 11. I am totally optimistic.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Something I have not told you.....

Don't understatement a persons willingness to live , It is determined by the good Lord's help and the persons ability to survive. The Good Lord has the final word , the rest we do is with his blessing.

I had three Cardiac Arrests and usually only 6% of the population survive only one Cardiac arrest , much less three of them in succession ( One right after the other). Those odds would drive a bookmaker nuts.

To say I had a lot of help is an understatement , I noticed that Karen has my friend helping her , Karen will enjoy his aid and direction no matter which direction it takes , I know I did / do and I thank him every day. With his help anything is possible even the impossible.

Say a prayer for Karen and wish her well , she is a grand lady and a fun person to know/camp with.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Early news today has Karen still improving and asked for her make up! That is a wonderful sign!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
William is so excited in his last email....I just have to share it with y'all!
Makes me excited as well.

"My stepson went up first while I finished my coffee. When I walked into the room I got a big smile and a "hi". Karen looked "back with us", [non-medical term] in spite of the codiene (very small dose thanks to my interference). Very talkative, coherent, but seeing spiders on the ceiling. She said the nurse said it was a side effect of the medicine.

Feeling a bit guilty I asked her if she had ever had codeine. [In the back of my mind I recall her saying that she was allergic to it.] She looked at me and said "yes". I asked her when she had it. She said "you know, that time after we came back from North Carolina". [Blank here boss....]

Her son told her they were giving her codeine. She shot me a dirty look and said "why didn't you tell them". She's back....chewing on my ass. We had a great hour. My daughter Mary came in.....she couldn't believe how much better Karen was since the last time she dropped in. [She can go in anytime....and does.]

Karen even got on the cell phone and talked with her daughter-in-law in Washington. I hope my excitement is coming through your computer screens.
As we were leaving at 11 a.m., she told me to make sure I locked the truck up. I may have her mowing by the time the grass begins to get tall in May. ;-)
ps I'm going to ask the neuro if we can sit up her a bit higher so she can cut my beard and mustache....if they will loan us some sharp surgical scissors. Mary said she would find me a pair, but I'm not going to push it. I'll let my hair grow another week, but I don't see any reason to postpone my haircut any longer than that."


Well-Known Member
bearridge, this is proof that enough guys with their fingers crossed and their heads bowed really works miracles.......well, that and some good doctoring......and no national health care plan....

Yes, we can read your excitement and share in it with great joy.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Around mid day, she gave everyone a scare and had to go for cat scan tests, etc......I didn't post anything until we heard something. Well, news came and it's good.
From Doc Jim...Bears Brother.

This is to everyone. Karen is doing well, and the neurosurgeon told Bill they are PAST THE DANGER ZONE, meaning he's not worried about vasospasm any more!!!!!! Apparently the problem was a low blood sodium level, the result of multiple factors in her case, but easily corrected. The CAT scan was okay. False alarm. Just a momentary thrill on the roller coaster before the danger passes completely.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Howdy Boys,

Thanks. Miz Bear thanks ta ya'll too. We both want off this roller coaster. The doc sez he aimed ta call dibs on an ER Wednesday fer a shunt.

He called it all wrong when me'n the ambulance boys pulled her inta their wing a few days back, but I reckon he will listen ta me frum now on. I told him bout our clinic. He never heard of it. I reckon he must be a Yankee.....or a city fella?

We really appreciate all the nice thoughts 'n prayin' ya'll done. If ya got any left, the worst part dont look too far off.


ps Near bout 7:30 centralized time. They let me back in fer a goodnite kiss.

Gus: Now the only healthy way to live, as I see it, is to learn to like all the little every day things.
Lori: Yeah. Like what?
Gus: Well like a good sip a whiskey every evening, or a soft bed to sleep in, or a warm glass of buttermilk, or...or like a feisty ole gentleman like myself.