Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke. | Page 6 | SouthernPaddler.com

Karens ( Beareidges better half ) Stroke.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
Just read some news that folks in Sweden (those that can afford to, anyway) are moving back toward having private hospitals after decades of experience with their socialized medical system. Tells you something, doesn't it?

We are all mighty happy that you didn't have to take Karen to one of those places that has more bureaucrat administrators than doctors and nurses.

The best therapy is going to happen back in Cleveland, startin' Friday :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Thanks. This e-world iz hard ta figger fer a country boy. If my brother hadn't made me take my lap top on Jan. 22, my....our lives woulda been different. I got ta ask fer medikle help once 'er twice when I didnt know somethin' bout how the brain works. It wuz eazy ta keep folks up ta speed. Even before Miz Bear remembered stuff, I tole her bout ya'll 'n others who wanted her ta do good. It put a smile on her face.

My advice ta ya'll if the SHTF:

#1 Call my brother fer help
#2 Call my daughter fer help
#3 Be danged sho ya'll know what yer woman iz allergic to
#4 Have Advanced Health Care Directives fer both of ya'll in both pickup trucks
#5 take yer lap top
#6 take extra panties 'n toothpaste......women dont wear the same pair 3-4 times 'n they brush more'n once a day
#7 dont ever figger the doctors 'n nurses know what they need ta know.......be polite, but ask a heap a questions 'n press 'em when ya figger yer rite
#8 time in ICU kin drive ya crazy 'er kill ya....check out "ICU delirium"


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. BUT cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. Marcus Tullius Cicero


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Howdy Boys,

We are back home with Roscoe 'n Twyla. I am a wore out ole ranger with holes in my drawers.


Sometimes the light's all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
what a long strange trip it's been
Robert Hunter

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
B & K

Friend Bearridge,
It has been said that over 50% of healing is accomplished by attitude. Going by that standard, your wife is headed strongly in the right direction.

There will be renewed good wishes and thoughts coming your way from Louisiana.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

It's more than said, it is supported by research. The placebo effect is as powerful as the medicinal effect. Both can cause sickness, both can heal it. Each has its place, each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Sometimes it's only one or the other, usually both. But one is as influential and effective as the other.


Well-Known Member
Re: B & K

a Bald Cypress said:
Friend Bearridge,
It has been said that over 50% of healing is accomplished by attitude. Going by that standard, your wife is headed strongly in the right direction.

There will be renewed good wishes and thoughts coming your way from Louisiana.

Have they accounted for her bad taste in men yet? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Re: B & K

JEM said:
a Bald Cypress said:
Friend Bearridge,
It has been said that over 50% of healing is accomplished by attitude. Going by that standard, your wife is headed strongly in the right direction.

There will be renewed good wishes and thoughts coming your way from Louisiana.

Have they accounted for her bad taste in men yet? :lol:

That is probably what caused the problem , imagine being married to a retired Lawyer. :?



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

I caint tell how many of ya'll had a stoke....beside the ones who dont like grits. :wink: Piper sent me this story bout how music helps the stroke folks git back ta whatever they call normal. http://wapurl.co.uk/?XFBGM7I

I reckon it dont mean Barry Manilow. I figger hiz songs give folks a stroke, but I bet piper 'n hiz daughter would make ya git well sooner'n later. I bet the Blue Cross detectives wont pay fer it tho. Miz Bear's music iz Joe, Mark, Becky, Steve 'n the rest of the gang on Squawkbox....CNBC. She likes Otis Redding, My Girl, Beatles, Jackson Browne 'n Jim Croce. She dont like Ravi Shankar, saxophones 'er ole Scottish lute tunes.

The rehab hospital in Jackson had a "stroke clinic" where everbody on the floor had a stroke. The first time Miz Bear teared up (she laughed at seein' her head fer the first time) wuz over all them other stroke folks. One had hiz head wired inta a halo. One jest had a dumb look on her face 'n wuz barely movin'. One gal talked loud 'n kinda crazy bout her brain wuz all tore up cuz she wuz drivin' her car, talkin' on her cellularized phone 'n pulled out at the wrong time. Miz Bear felt real bad fer all of 'em, but she wuz mitey grateful she didnt end up like that herownself.

The second time she teared up wuz here Monday evenin'. She called me ta the sofa ta put a few tears on my shoulder fer what she done ta me......yep, she wuz feelin' bad fer messin' up with my good life. She aint the kind ta cry bout herownself. She dragged that walker round the house some yesterday.....wanted ta use her own two legs more. She aint likely ta be usin' that walker much longer. She iz lookin' forward ta therapy this afternoon.....likes all the machines. One of her therapists looks like she uses the machines....mite have some nurse trainin'? There iz a young fella frum St. Mary, Georgia. I reckon that must be across the river frum Folkston?

piper, I thank ya fer that link. Mebbe the rehab folks will give that a try fer all the poor folks who aint likely ta leave any time soon. Miz Bear iz watchin' the price of silver 'n studyin' on the crooked game on the stock market. They did tell us she oughta have some visual challenge, that makes ya use yer mind 'n lookin' at pichurs. Video poker.....I tole 'em that wuz jest like throwin' Brier Rabbit inta the briar patch. :mrgreen:


Jack Crabb: Grandfather, I have a white wife.
Old Lodge Skins: You do? That's interesting. Does she cook and does she work hard.
Jack Crabb: Yes, Grandfather.
Old Lodge Skins: That surprises me. Does she show pleasant enthusiasm when you mount her?
Jack Crabb: Well sure, Grandfather.
Old Lodge Skins: That surprises me even more. I tried one of them once, but she didn't show any enthusiasm at all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Howdy Boys,

We went out fer an afternoon ride in her pickup (it haz an eazy step on the side fer short folk) 'n stopped by Jim's house ta see hiz box fulla new poodle dogs 'n borrow Aunt Bessie's cane. We go back ta Jackson in the mornin' fer anuther CT Scan 'n a visit with the doctor who drilled the holes in her head. She wants ta walk inta hiz office with the cane, but I figger that since she jest got it this evenin', she oughta lay low on the braggin'. She aint ready fer that stunt Willy Wonka pulled when Charlie 'n the other kids wuz waitin' outside the gates with their magic tickets. :lol:

shade tree medikle clinic

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. Albert Einstein


Well-Known Member
bearridge, YOU GIVE US ALL STRENGTH, even from afar..... Karen is a lucky lady to have you nearby.

LOVE is partly what you feel when you both are twenty, and partly pulling up their panty-hose and painting their nails when they can't. I imagine by now you have had both ends of the spectrum.

Well don. Carry on, lad.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friends piper & Ron,

Thanks fer the kind words. Got an email frum Steven Friday nite. He iz anuther friend of Miz Ann's at the Lost Mine Campground 'n river paddlin' pal. Jim called Steven on Jan. 22 'n tole him ta come a runnin'. Jim 'n Steven run the show in the local ER, with my help. [I figger they tole the ER doc ta go smoke a cigar.] This iz what Steven wrote: "Overall sounds great since the last time I saw her she was on the edge of death, comatocity, or both! Steven"

So far we aint met no doctors who figgered she would make the trip.....cept Jim'n me. I dont mean ta be hard on 'em, but up ta the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic we pay more heed ta what a patient's high trained medikle doctor/husband sez. :mrgreen:


ps I didnt really give that much thought ta the "better 'er worse" part 13 years ago when we vowed at sunset out on the bank of the Mighty Mississippi jest below the White 'n jest above the Arkansaw. I am mitey glad I dont have ta look back 'n be ashamed of myself.....cept fer not recallin' the dope she caint take. Those dang uppercuts hurt. :?


Well-Known Member
Page 4, Paragraph seven: "Rotating the upper body at the hips and extending the arms alternately, reach or push into an imaginary target. Repeat 10-times, three sets over a 15-minute period"

Smile and take the uppercuts, Bearridge, it'll be good for Karen. Get one of those bite-guards at wally world.



Well-Known Member
The nice thing about laptop 'puters is the mobility factor......Bearridge , is there a chance that you could put your keyboard in front of Karen and ask her to send us some little greeting? Might be good for her and it would be great for us to hear from the lady herself, not just her chauffeur. ??
