"Military" weapons | SouthernPaddler.com

"Military" weapons


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Years back on the Donahue show, he had a bunch of anti-gunners and pro-gunners on. That was about the time when the anti's wanted to ban all weapons that LOOKED like military weapons( pistol grip, large magazine, etc.). One pro-gun gunsmith took an off-the-shelf .22 rifle , took it out of the stock and plopped it down inside a black nylon stock with a pistol grip--2 minutes. He said " It's the same gun, I just changed the look. Is this gun any more dangerous than it was 2 minutes ago?"

You know the anti-gunners still insisted that it was a military weapon and shouldn't be sold to the public! You can't reason with that kind of logic. :roll:


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
Milsurps are legal to own. Their classed as "curios" or what.
Enfield's, Mosin's, Carcanno's, Springfields, Garand's, are all legal
to own if their 50yr's old. SKS too. AK's are a no no here in Kali.


New Member
Jan 28, 2010
Most African Americans, according to several studies I’ve read, favor stricter gun control laws. On the one hand, I can understand their concerns about gun crimes, because Black on Black crime is a substantial problem. However, they need to think this through. Do they really want someone else being responsible for their well being? Has anyone ever really looked out for their best interests? I think not.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Decisions are made with emotions. Some of us use logic to pre-sort evidence and options before we decide, but hte actual decison is made with emotion.

For the times when we don't use logic, we're running on hunch, emotion, prejudice, guess, hope, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
These are advisers that only have to answer and make suggestions to Your President and it should give you a direction this country is taking or going. You think it is bad now , Just hold on to your hats . You tell me Washington has not gone to the DOG's and want to do everything they can to make us a third world power.
I'm sure this will have me listed as a terrorist since I do not like what is there and what is happening. Or will happen to us.

OBAMA'S "CZARS"-- Read who they are and realize what they want to do.

Richard Holbrooke
Afghanistan Czar
Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use. Dissolve the 2nd Amendment

Ed Montgomery
Auto recovery Czar
Black radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member... Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley
Radical Homosexual.. A Gay Rights activist.. Believes in Gay Marriage and especially, a Special Status for homosexuals only, including complete free health care for gays.

Alan Bersin
Border Czar
The former failed superintendent of San Diego . Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno - to keep borders open to illegal's without interference from US

David J. Hayes
California Water Czar
Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy". No training or experience in water management whatsoever.

Ron Bloom
Car Czar
Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?

Dennis Ross
Central Region Czar
Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and completely pro abortion.

Lynn Rosenthal
Domestic Violence Czar
Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration. Imagine?

Gil Kerlikowske
Drug Czar
devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of all drugs

Paul Volcker
E conomic Czar
Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti business "Progressive Policy" organization

Carol Brower
Energy and Environment Czar
Political Radical Former head of EPA - known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.

Joshua DuBois
Faith Based Czar
Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti gun ownership lobbyist.

Cameron Davis
Great Lakes Czar
Chicago radical anti business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink." No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member(what does that tell us?)

Van Jones
Green Jobs Czar
(since resigned).. Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Daniel Fried
Guantanamo Closure Czar
Human Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Believes terrorists have rights above and beyond Americans.

Nancy-Ann DeParle.
Health Czar
Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times..

Vivek Kundra
Information Czar
Born in New Delhi, India. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails. (hello?)

Todd Stern
International Climate Czar
Anti business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming. Anti- US business prosperity.

Dennis Blair
Intelligence Czar
Ret Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as "provocative". Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations" which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell
Mideast Peace Czar
Fmr. Sen from Maine Left wing radical... Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3 " smaller more manageable plots". (God forbid) A true Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual "special rights" advocate

Kenneth Feinberg
Pay Czar
Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs. (horribly true)

Cass Sunstein
Regulatory Czar
Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good". Essentially against 1st amendment. Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership and right to free speech.

John Holdren
Science Czar
Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training.

Earl Devaney
Stimulus Accountability Czar
Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico . Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration
Sudan Czar
Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations

Herb Allison
Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.

John Brennan
Terrorism Czar
Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military

Aneesh Chopra
Technology Czar
No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan

Adolfo Carrion Jr..
Urban Affairs Czar
Puerto Rican born Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America . Millionaire "slum lord" of the Bronx , NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes on middle class to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter
Weapons Czar
Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America .. No Other "policy"

Gary Samore
WMD Policy Czar
Former US Communist... Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other "policy".


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2009
Between keyboard and chair

coogzilla said:
Milsurps are legal to own. Their classed as "curios" or what.
Enfield's, Mosin's, Carcanno's, Springfields, Garand's, are all legal
to own if their 50yr's old. SKS too. AK's are a no no here in Kali.

Wikipedia has a pretty good write-up.

C&R licenses are supposed to be a little easier and a little cheaper than an FFL. 50 years got a lot more interesting in 1995, since WWII surplus became available.

Even better are weapons 100 yrs old or more - no restrictions at all, unless covered by another law (no machine guns, howitzers, etc). I've been tempted, but I don't know guns well enough to know if an antique is safe to fire, and don't know any gunsmiths I'd trust.


Well-Known Member
Another thread I've only just found
Decisions are made with emotions. Some of us use logic to pre-sort evidence and options before we decide, but hte actual decison is made with emotion.

This is some thing I've never been accused of and probably never will be accused of , my family and friends reckon that I'm probably the most unemotional person they know , My wife's pet name for me is Spock , as such I really don't under stand excessive emotion or making decisions based on emotion , I always used to say that emotion is a crutch for the terminally stupid , of course this attitude hasn't often won me any friends , LOL



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
David, you would absolutely freak at the state of American culture nowadays. It seems to be MOSTLY based on emotion- very little logic involved.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
reptarz said:
Most African Americans, according to several studies I’ve read, favor stricter gun control laws. On the one hand, I can understand their concerns about gun crimes, because Black on Black crime is a substantial problem. However, they need to think this through. Do they really want someone else being responsible for their well being? Has anyone ever really looked out for their best interests? I think not.

Many forget that some states passed "Black Codes" that prevented blacks from owning any firearm except a shotgun after the Reconstruction. The laws were used to ensure they were not able to protect themselves from KKK types. Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
With the KKK you have no doubt what their all about. The Liberal Left hides their evil deeds behind good intentions. Every time you hear them say "it's for the children, to save the mother earth, to help those less fortunate, ect." grit your teeth and hang on. They are about to do us harm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
reptarz said:
Do they really want someone else being responsible for their well being? Has anyone ever really looked out for their best interests? I think not.

Dealing with anyone else looking out for your best interests , there is only one person that can do that and that is the individual. If that is not done then the responsibility is accepted from outside sources and they have only there best interest at heart , not yours.
Which makes that person more dependent on the outside source then on there own. It's a vicious cycle if you let yourself be caught up in it ...... which I refuse to let myself be trapped by it.

Banning firearms is one good way to make everyone reliant on someone else. There would be no hunting ( food gathering ) , personal protection.... someone breaking in your house ,grab the broom and sweep yourself under a carpet. Besides like that saying goes , When guns are outlawed , only outlaws will have guns. In plain language .. You want total control over the population , remove all the firearms.

The honest law abiding individual would be at the mercy of every thug out there. A good case in point is right here in Florida... When the citizens got the concealed weapon permits and carried handguns the strong armed robbery declined by a large percentage. All of a sudden the crooks found out they could get shot if they stuck a weapon in a persons face and demanded there money , or broke into a house to burglarize it.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
dawallace45 said:
Another thread I've only just found
Decisions are made with emotions. Some of us use logic to pre-sort evidence and options before we decide, but the actual decision is made with emotion.
This is some thing I've never been accused of and probably never will be accused of , my family and friends reckon that I'm probably the most unemotional person they know , My wife's pet name for me is Spock , as such I really don't under stand excessive emotion or making decisions based on emotion , I always used to say that emotion is a crutch for the terminally stupid , of course this attitude hasn't often won me any friends
David, you can substitute "values" for emotion, if you like. The definition of a decision is, "What we have to do if our information is so insufficient, or so poorly organized, that the course of action is not obvious."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Wannabe said:
With the KKK you have no doubt what their all about. The Liberal Left hides their evil deeds behind good intentions. Every time you hear them say "it's for the children, to save the mother earth, to help those less fortunate, ect." grit your teeth and hang on. They are about to do us harm.

I know all too well what they are about. My point is "gun control" was the first step to complete control. Keeping weapons out of the hands of the subjects has always been a priority of dictators.

As for the less fortunate, note how much the liberals donate :lol: to causes without a political agenda. (algore, Hanoi Jane, Billy-Bob Clinton)