my swamp pirogue | Page 3 |

my swamp pirogue


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
pereaux said:
It is amusing to see different boats in different areas for different uses.
Friend pereaux,

It aint all bout where folks live 'n how we used 'em. I see ya got some big strappin' help ta lift them boats. Most of the geezers seen our help grow 'n move now we gotta do our own liftin'. That iz the ONLY reason I paid good money fer my last boat. I kin set it up on my head 'n walk round the the africans do sometimes with a big jug of well water. When yer near bout wore out (like Truthful Jack 'n the High Sheriff) I figger yer likely ta start buildin' boats outta balsa wood 'er glue soaked cardboard. [grin]

Thanks fer the pichurs. I like ta see yer supervisors too. They all seem ta lay round near the boats where they kin keep a sharp eye on the hard work. [chuckle]


Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.  Thomas Sowell

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Dang, Br'r Bear, I always heard that a fella could either rust out or wear out. I was proud of myself for wearing out. Now, you went and made me ashamed of myself, and I'm hanging my head is self-loathing and disgust here. NOW what am I going to do??