panel accuracy |

panel accuracy


Well-Known Member

I don't think you will really have a problem as long as you're there to guide them along the way. Just have them take it slow and easy and encourage them as they go along. If they should get off line to the inside, heck, even a quarter inch shouldn't be too much of a problem. And, if they are cutting slow and easy, I'm sure they'll be a little wavy, but not so much so that it creates a problem.

Besides, the joy you recieve working with those girls on this build will more than make up for the cost of more ply. . . . :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
It's only wood , epoxy and fiberglass , any Bo-Bo's can be handled with some wood flour and epoxy. That is the beauty of making a boat from wood , it is forgiving and mistakes ( if any ) can be corrected.

The self confidence the kids would get from making there own boat ( or helping Dad) would create lasting memories of you guys working together on a fun project and build there self confidence for later in life .... The old .... Yes , I can is a lot better then the I can't do that , after all Can't never did anything.

Just remember they are not adults and might make a mistake , that is part of the learning ( hands on ) experience. Don't try to tell me you never screw up when younger and trying to do something. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I always say that if I don't make three mistakes during the day , I am doing something wrong. My 1st one is getting out of bed in the morning. :wink:

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
Yo B B,

Your choice but, if you are a bit worried about straying off the line. What are a few more holes in the boat. Just show the girls how dad uses a guide set so the blade runs along the line, run the saw along the guide = no deviation from the line, a smooth cut and no extra ply to buy.

Should only take a sec to set it up. You could use the same batten you used to make the original lines.

Just my @ cents.

Remember, advice is worth just what you paid for it. Go with what you think best.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

The first few times, this will be a tense, vigilance task for the kids. Maybe let them cut a few minutes, and then relieve them for a few minutes. Then let them cut some more after they have gotten their breathing going again.