Pigs in a Pen .... | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Pigs in a Pen ....

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
(SNIP) I could go on for a long time about everyone we meet but who want's to be bored with the past. Best I just shut up fer now.............. :lol: :roll: Awwwwwww the good ole day's .............
... and I remember the good new days - the ones we haven't had yet. Remember when we are going to paddle up the Niagara Falls? That was (gonna be) a good trip too. Woulda been better if'n I hadn't dropped my paddle. Danged outboard wouldn't start - we couldn't get the boat going fast enough to turn the prop and engine over enough RPM's.

And the other time when we're gonna pour gree-itz into Lake Michigan and boil'em up for sale in 2023? Remember when we (gonna) did that?

"Ohh ... those are gonna be the good new days." "What, it's time for my medication again? OK. Lemme get up a bit of air speed for lift off and I'll flap my way right back in there, Nurse Ratchitt."


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I am still stock piling the gritz for that....I should have plenty by 2023......Looking forward to see what oldyaker and the rest have to say when we do that.
Heck with any luck the gritz will go all the way to Canada and over that little water fall between us and them.
What is it called Nigeria or Viagria .........Something like that? :?

I'm happy to see you are still on your medication, single malt, correct. Mine comes from the Clyd-sail horses.
Boy , I sure wish they would drink more water , it has been really strong lately. :shock:



Kayak Jack said:
Remember when we are going to paddle up the Niagara Falls?

Friend Kayak Jack,

Been inta the Ole Langzyne agin?

One year back when I paddled, stead a jest talkin' bout paddlin', I wuz up ta North Caroliney when I heard bout a young kayaker who run them falls. Its some young fellas (mostly) that caint git off the drenaline 'n go lookin' fer all the steep creeks when it comes a hoodoochie.

Anyway, this fella (best I recall he wuz frum Ocoee, Tennessee which iz jest a few miles east a Cleveland) figgered he jest caint hold down a 9 ta 5, so he aimed ta head fer Hollywood 'n give movie stunts a try. [Kinda like Burt Reynolds done.]

He figgered the Hollywood folk would take a shine ta a fella with a book a good stunt deeds, so he made hizself a list a stunts 'n set out ta do each one fer hiz stunt book.

In one way he wuz a smart fella, cuz if he had done all the stunts on hiz list, the Hollywood folks were bound ta give him a job rite off. In anuther way he warnt so smart cuz one of hiz stunts wuz kayakin' off the Niagra Falls. He run 'em okay.....least az fer az anybody knows. They found hiz kayak kinda tore up, but nobody seen hide nor hair of him since.

I hear he wore hiz lifesaver 'n hiz hard hat, but them falls jest aint eazy ta run. I figger ya gotta line up way over ta the east side 'n come back real fast so ya kin catch the power house tongue on the inside.

Some folks sez he aimed ta die. I sho hope so, cuz I'd sho hate ta be known fer bein' that dumb.


bodine school

If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all. Ronald Reagan

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Problem with water falls is that they - even the little ones - have things called "plunge pits". The water wears a deep hole where it hits. These deep holes normally fill up with water. The water is always pushing down. Boats - and boaters too I suppose - get held under water for extended periods of time. Ruins your whole day.

Three guys, who were slightly inebriated, got into a boat in a town called Eaton Rapids here in Michigan a few years ago. Outboard motor didn't start right away, and as they cranked and yanked, the boat slowly drifted upstream on an eddy, heading for the water coming over the dam. Three days later they were found.

Later, at the Darwin Awards - "The envelope, PLEASE?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2003
Oscoda, michigan
the best pancakes

Buckwheat my boy! Buckwheat. Thats the flour that will stick with you when made into the mornings pancakes. On a trip into the great white North ( Smooth Rock falls to Moosinee, Ont.--240 miles and 22 days) we cooked buckwheat pancakes every morning and rolled the leftovers (filled with strawberry jam, peanut butter, beans, you name it) and used them as snacks throughout the day. Filling, nutritious, and would give everyone enough energy to handle the meanest, longest portages you could ever imagine. Lost a little weight on that trip but would have suffered mightily without those BUCKWHEAT pancakes. Food for thought and food for the stamina required on the long ons. Now my wife she makes a brand called "Policinkas". Thin as a sheet of paper, rolled with cottage cheeze, jam, whatever, and my kids grew up on them. Not limited to breakfast---it's a Hungarian thing she tells me. In addition to pancakes Verlen ate macaroni and cheeze almost every evening for his supper when on some of his longers trips. Packs light,cooks easily and quickly, and can't be critisized for not tasting just right. It's got one taste and it packs a lot of energy for the next days paddle. Try it some time but it can get awfully boring, boring, boring after several days. Makes you crave for one of Chuck's steaks. Later guys. D--Al.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Re: the best pancakes

michstripcanoe said:
(SNIP) we cooked buckwheat pancakes every morning and rolled the leftovers (filled with strawberry jam, peanut butter, beans, you name it) and used them as snacks throughout the day. (SNIP)
Crepe's de Dasen!! Pour gasoline on and serve them flambeau.

Actually, Al's right. Pancakes are the north woods tortilla.