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Spicy Pretzels


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend oldyaker,

Better git that computer nerd ta fix yer clock....'er git somethin' ta help ya git some shuteye.


Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes, voodoo.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
St. Clair Shores, MI.
Hi, Jack. It seems I'd readilly accept Bearridges advice, seein how he's the Dean of all those acamedies,college,schools and institutes. His words of wisdom and culture have got ta be better than any college ya have ta pay for.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Draino, Br'r Bear can sell ice cubes to eskimos, he can talk a bunch of Geezers into going down Class V+ rapids telling them it's just some riffles.
I wanna be on the trip that Kayak Jack and Br'r Bear are on together! :roll: You'll see me and Swampy pull up with manure spreaders behind our pick-ups to get rid of the stuff! :lol: :roll: :roll: Chuck will have a can of BS repellent for everyone with a SP logo on the front. :lol:

Br'r Bear, my computer is keep'n correct time. :cry:

Seriously, I'd go over Niagara Falls if Br'r Bear said it was OK. He knows his stuff. He is a South'n Gentleman, :? And I find Jack a Nawth'n Gentleman which I will find out in September. :? Swampy?(AKA Joey) I just don't think he's right? Chuck....He's somewhere's between a South'n and Nawth'n Gentlmeman since he is surrounded by so many 'ol Yankees down there, ya know the blue hairs, the plaid shorts, striped golf shirts, white belt and shoes..... :lol:
(Pssst! Don't trust any of dem smooth talkers!):wink:

Well fellas, I think we have hit a new Geezer High! We took a subject of Kirk's on Spicy Pretzels, totally went off subject and managed well over 20 posts on it. Congratulations! I'm proud of Y'All!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Yak, just to keep this post "honest" I wanna say that Bro Bar haz sum righteous comments on food.... anything about 25 years ago to be remembered as fact I'd allow for sum major "memory losses" .... :shock:

Bar's spices are to be enjoyed and really I musta forgot the jar in camp.... :roll: But there will be other paddles and more eats... no one has gone hungry on a trip. Well maybe Chuck didn't get all he wanted.... then too he has been known to shut down any "all you can eat" establishments... :roll:

I thought I waz the only one up at 4 ? Geesh .... to bad I took a sleeping pill last night .... 11 hours of sleep..... I'm good to go for another 72 hours!

blue stripes indeed! 8)


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Swampy said:
Bar's spices are to be enjoyed and really I musta forgot the jar in camp....
Friend Swampy,

Gone but not fergot. It wuz a honored guest here....fer mebbe a week more. :mrgreen:


It aint what ya dont know that hurts ya. What really puts a hurtin’ on ya iz what ya knows fer sho, that jest aint so. Uncle Remus


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Swampy said:
Bar's spices are to be enjoyed and really I musta forgot the jar in camp.... swampy

Me too Joey, when I waz cook'n down at Steele Creek I fergot 'bout the fine spice jarbear gave out. :cry: I figger some low Geezer picked it up. I sure was hanker'n fer some with my weekend cook'n. Can't buy no Zat's up here. :cry: I'll be in GA in a week and plan to load up on Zat's at the grocery store to bring home. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend oldyaker,

Ever made any spicy granola? Hold on....now wait jest a dang minute. Look here, I aint all the way crazy. For those lucky enuff ta know, that last line come frum "Dancin' Outlaw", where Jesco White wuz tryin' ta git hiz wife ta quit messin' up with hiz good life. But no, ya'll aint ever seen it have ya? Why? Well I'll tell ya.

Ya try real hard ta git West By God Virgin-ya public tv ta sell ya a honest copy, but no...they wont sell ya one. Dont have none fer sale 'n dont know where ta git none. It wuz a guviment trick ta keep folks frum seein' it. I got a copy frum a honest fella who paid good money fer hiz copy. I took it out ta a store 'n paid 'em ta make some copies............fer historikle purposes.

It wuz okay til I give a copy ta the High Sheriff, who must not have watched it before he give it ta Swampy. If he wants ta try ta tell ya'll where it went, that iz hiz bizness. I caint risk no more copies....but Mister Gores internet iz a big place, even bigger'n ebay az I best I kin tell. Googlize it 'n yer off after the Holy Grail of Appalachia. Mebbe Ole Tom Arnold kin help ya find a copy? Dont ask Miz Roseanne cuz she didnt care fer Jesco.

Where wuz I? Oh yeah....spicy granola. That iz where I see jalapeno show its stuff. Some mite use habanero....but most of 'em iz cereal killers.

Ya kin cook some peppers in peanut oil, strain 'em out, then mix the oil with honey 'n presto change-o. It aint yer grandmothers granola. When I make granola, I like peanuts 'n almonds chopped up, not pecans 'er walnuts. Pisstachios would be okay if they aint dyed red. Pine nuts=ok.

This granola would go good with plain non-fat yogurt 'er jest fer a snackin' when the Windego gits after ya out in the boundary waters up on the tundra. I reckon it mite cauze quite a stir at a cocktail party. Once upon a time I went ta a cocktail party. I seen why they called 'em that. :mrgreen:

If ya git old 'er lazy, Zatarains iz always handy, but so iz some really fine bottled hot sauces. [Watch out fer the one frum China with a rooster on it.] The Sparkanator iz partial ta the Panola brand, but like Ole Will Rogers, I never met a pepper I didnt like....cept that first time I cooked chili with habaneros. :(

culinarily yern,
bodine college of modern history

The only really good vegetable is Tabasco sauce. Put Tabasco sauce in everything. Tabasco sauce is to bachelor cooking what forgiveness is to sin. P.J. O'Rourke


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Draino, not to worry son ..... :roll:

Hippys had thar stuff .... now we aims to parrallel them ... :wink:

Oh! By th' by ..... bout them voices.... don't git to personal wit 'em ....
th' high sherrif might want ya to have you pick nicks fer em on th' forum .... :lol: 8) :roll:

Yak, ya mean ya'll don't git Zat up thar? Plum un-forgiveable! :p



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
draino said:
Hi, Jack. It seems I'd readilly accept Bearridges advice, seein how he's the Dean of all those acamedies,college,schools and institutes. His words of wisdom and culture have got ta be better than any college ya have ta pay for.


Heck, Jack, Y'all cain't 'ford ta pass up on all thet wiz-dum frum the Dean a all dim sopistycated skoulz a higher larnen. Sides he knows food spicying-up real good. Sorta an Emeril wid a beerd. :lol: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Swampy said:
Draino, not to worry son ..... :roll:

Hippys had thar stuff .... now we aims to parrallel them ... :wink:

Oh! By th' by ..... bout them voices.... don't git to personal wit 'em ....
th' high sherrif might want ya to have you pick nicks fer em on th' forum .... :lol: 8) :roll:

Yak, ya mean ya'll don't git Zat up thar? Plum un-forgiveable! :p


Try Sam's Club. Giant economy size was in the store at Saginaw, MI up here in the Great White(and sweltering) North. Ain't tried it on perch yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
St. Clair Shores, MI.
B.B. pan fy them in zats and butter. like you'd fry and egg.

Try this one. mix 2 cups of Italian bread crumbs with 2 tablespoons of Zats. Dip the fish into egg and then dredge the fish thru the crumbs, fry in a 10" pan that has about 3/8" of oil in it. This works good for bigger fish too.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Swampy said:
Settles it!

I'm go'in to th fish market now...


I sure hope Swampy does not get one this size or he will need that frying pan Jack used to make Paul's Bunions supper in, you know the one where he tied slabs of bacon on his feet and skated around in the pan to grease it.

A couple of guy's fishing in Thailand netted a catfish thought to be the worlds largest freshwater fish ever caught in Thailand. It was a Mekong giant catfish and was landed by villagers in Chiang Khopng , a remote district in northern Thailand.

The catfish was 9 feet long and weighed 646 pounds.

That would make one heck of a fish fry ..............how much Zantarians would you need for that one, not even thinking about the Hush Puppies and Corn Fritters.
