I went out for a short time today to gather some dead ( storm damaged ) Oak fire wood for my wood burning , gasifyer , stoves ( The Solo Stove and the Silver Fire Scout ).
Solo Stove Lite.
Silver fire Scout.
http://www.silverfire.us/new-for-2014-s ... ng-bug-out
I took my Victorinox Swiss Army knife ( Camper ) with me so I would have a small saw blade to use. I cut or broke branches about 2 1/2 inches in length and anything I could not snap apart I used the knifes saw blade on it. It does a good job on branches up to about nickle size. I did not try it on anything larger since I was after branches from dime size to twigs. Twigs to get the fire going , pencil thickens for a quick fire and dime for a longer lasting fire.
The new ones on there web site have the word ( Camping ) on one side. I guess mine is older then most since it has the non gloss ( brushed ) sides. :roll:
Solo Stove Lite.
Silver fire Scout.
http://www.silverfire.us/new-for-2014-s ... ng-bug-out
I took my Victorinox Swiss Army knife ( Camper ) with me so I would have a small saw blade to use. I cut or broke branches about 2 1/2 inches in length and anything I could not snap apart I used the knifes saw blade on it. It does a good job on branches up to about nickle size. I did not try it on anything larger since I was after branches from dime size to twigs. Twigs to get the fire going , pencil thickens for a quick fire and dime for a longer lasting fire.

The new ones on there web site have the word ( Camping ) on one side. I guess mine is older then most since it has the non gloss ( brushed ) sides. :roll: