Tied-on bow and stern lines | SouthernPaddler.com

Tied-on bow and stern lines


Well-Known Member
On my pirogue i have a worked-rope ring (grommet) in the stern in a permanant PVC pipe i glassed in when I was building it. In the bow I have the same sort of tube, and have tied in the middle of a 40' or so length of good nylon rope. This lets me tie the boat on the top of my old suburban with little messing about, and it never hurts to have good lines to tie things in or tie up to a tree, etc.

These lines get a lot of sunshine here in the south and sunshine kills things like that. In order to justify replacing the long line without a lot of testing, inspection or soul-searching I simplified the entire decision making process today by simply running over it with the 42" Riding Lawn Mower.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm surprised that Keith was mowing the lawn - usually, Diane has to do it.

You get an "Atta Boy!' for that, Keith. But, the "Aw $h!t!" for cutting the rope wipes out all your atta boys. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Well-Known Member
I used a plain cats-paw leaving two lines off the boat. It held fine, the line is spun up so tight you could use it for tent -pegs. Actually, i got the blade shut down before the boat got me. Yes, usually Diane mows because she likes to but she has a nasty cold and i was elected. I got mowing dust in my eyes, had to remove my one functional contact lens and was mowing in "legally blind" mode, still reeling from the pain. I probably could have hit a five gallon pail without seeing it. My boat line was a nice green/brown/black camo sort of thing. Easy to lose in the grass, just like the 2-3 head lamps and latrine shovels Kayak Jack has lost in the past year or so......and for the same reason. Some things just should not be camo.



Feb 9, 2007
South Carolina

On my boat I simply extended the stem and bow and carved them into permanent tie-on locations.


I've tied a few stout pieces of rope for handholds, but when I go out I tie on a thirty foot strand of the same. This has worked well for me.

Happy Paddlin' :mrgreen:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Let me pose a situation, and you guys can pick away at it and improve it. Take a look at Prayinbear's boat end there. Let's use it as a "typical" end. My boat, not pictured, has the hole lower, just above the water line.

Instead of tying a rope in, how about a longer rope, run through the end rope hole, and laying doubled in the boat. Both ends should be near the paddler. In an empty boat, they would lay on the floor. In a loaded boat (say, with camp gear and a flask of single malt scotch) the ropes would lay atop the lashed in gear. Have two ropes there, one in the bow and one in the stern.

If a line got caught in brush, it would simply continue on and one end would pull through the hole and be free. You may lose the rope, or you may hang onto one end as the rope slips through the hole. And, if you lose one rope you still have the other. Even a lost rope is less disastrous than being in fast water, and have one hung up too far back to reach or cut.

To tie up, would take a bit more work. First, you have to secure one end of the rope. Either tie a large knot in one end so it wouldn't slip back through the hole, or tie off one end in the boat. Then, use the other end to tie up on shore.

OK, pick away at that and improve it.


Well-Known Member
I think we need to have you draw a picture of that one, Jack.
And, what the heck is FAST WATER? (writing in from SE Louisiana).........Must be when the Abita Springs(bottled water company) delivery truck blows by on I-55 at about 70 MPH. In that case, yes, you need the boat tied down real good.

I never mind having a line run from bow to stern, INSIDE, the boat either. Learned long ago that in a "turned turtle" situation having a line to grab and control the boat is not a bad thing.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I can't draw anything, except flies. I draw flies a lot in sweaty, summer weather. This is the best word picture I can give: Instead of tying one end of a rope in, how about a longer rope, run through the end rope hole, and laying doubled in the boat. Both ends should be near the paddler. In an empty boat, they would lay on the floor.

If it's not enough for your mind's eye to pick up, then I guess I just failed drawing again. My art career peaked in third grade, when I finally got "stick figures" down. It's been a downhill slide ever since.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
In fast movin' water long ropes kin kill ya. My boat haz a small loop on each end tied ta a big yellow floatin' rope bout 4' long. Unless ya gotta line round somethin', I dont see the need fer rope any longer. Best ta keep yer long rope in a bag so ya dont git all tangled up if ya turn bottom upwards like Van done on the St. Mary last trip.

I used ta put my boat up on my Yakima rack 'n run two ropes ta carabiners I put on each side underneath the front bumper. That kept the boat better'n one rope in the front. [One rope in the stern end haz always done fine on the rack.] High wind jest outside Jonesboro once blew my canoe off the rack onta the side of my truck. I done anuther Ninja back flip, pulled over 'n set it back on top. I wuz usin' one rope looped, then down ta each carabiner....but it wuz only one rope. Two separate ropes works much better.

Now I use Yakima Load Stops. I dont rope the front end of the boat down no more, altho I should have comin' back frum the Brazos. The wind wuz blowin' like the High Sheriff after him 'n Pups eat some cole slaw along with a bowl of chili fulla beans. Me'n Swamprat used the Load Stops a few weeks ago. They work so good we jest put the boats up, put a loop round the bar on one side, threw the rope over the top of both boats 'n tied it off on the other side. We also looked at how a fella mite make some handmade load stops. Here iz what they look like. http://www.orsracksdirect.com/yakima-8005000.html


ps piper, that come close ta a funniest home video. I bet folks never seen a half blind fella knocked off a lawnmower by a homemade boat before. Ya'll need a cat 'er a dog in there some way....mebbe ridin' in the boat? [grin]

I once said cynically of a politician, "He'll double-cross that bridge when he comes to it." Oscar Levant


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

That is what I have on my rack , those load stops sure don't let the boat move , locks it in nice and tight. Then two straps over it some lines to the front and rear bumper for insurance and you have it made.
That last trip was 2,280 and change and the canoe never budged or moved till I took it off the rack. Plus I went threw some nasty weather , rain , wind and all the rest. :D


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Keith's right about the camo pattern being easy to lose. Why a headlight has to - or even should be - camoed is beyond me. I guess so's it sells to the city guys who, once a year, pick up a rifle and pretend they're Davy Crockett. Bright yellow is a better color for something that you lay down and need to pick up again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Short yellow rope on each end....tied ta small loops. So far I aint lined. Never toted a rope ta line, but that day mite be jest round the corner. [chuckle]


Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages. H. L. Mencken


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Americus, GA
jdupre' said:
Heeeeeeeeyyyy! How did you get a picture of my wife? :roll: :mrgreen:

You mean that was YOUR wife last Saturday night? She swore she wuz single, but i seen her take off the ring 'fore she came over and bought me a drink.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
stickbow said:
jdupre' said:
Heeeeeeeeyyyy! How did you get a picture of my wife? :roll: :mrgreen:

You mean that was YOUR wife last Saturday night? She swore she wuz single, but i seen her take off the ring 'fore she came over and bought me a drink.

:oops: I told the guy at the hardware store that chain weren't gonna hold her. :?

:lol: :lol: